we've fired a partner in crime

Jul 25, 2006 12:04

as i write this, one of my partners in crime is being fired. which is to say, we're going from four managers/partners to three. he totally came in today knowing it was going to happen.

we had a board meeting last week (huzzah for attending board meetings over skype!) where he was handed his ass on a plate for underperforming. right after that he failed to have a presentation prepared that was his responsibility--keeping other two partners up all night getting it in shape to present the next day.

i'm a fairly strong believer that systems fail more often than people do--that if you get fired or things don't work out that blame falls equally on both sides. this person was actually a good fit, but things didn't quite sync up. i think he expected to have systems in place that one would have at a larger company, and we expected him to put those systems in place. so the good qualities didn't make up for the fact that we've still got a lot to build here.

they come in fast, they go fast. goddess speed you.


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