video/action for goldenrod ☁ 014

Jan 02, 2011 20:21

Guys, I-I think it's finally hatching!

[About damn time too, because everybody else's eggs have been hatching like mad, and Hope was wondering if he'd gotten a rotten egg or a fake.

Hope adjusts his PokeGear a little on top of the dresser so that it can capture the blue egg and the very, very still bird sitting on his bed, and he manages to get back on it in time for a funny little jingle to start playing on the radio.

Hope's just too busy egging his egg on to notice. Or care.

Dun dun dun dun dunduuuuuundun...]

Come on, come on, you can do it!

[Dun dun dun dun dunduuuuuundun...

More cracks appear on it...]

Almost there--!!

[Dun dun dun dun dunduuuuuun-- POKÉMON GET!! Out flops a...]

[Uhm, what is it?

Hope stares a little, wondering why it's so damn small, and he's about to pick it up when suddenly Hawkeye the Xatu leans over a fluffy baby wing, staaaares for a few intense seconds, and... Plucks at Hope's hair with a beak. His reasoning? Swablu wing = cotton. Trainer's hair = cotton. Therefore, trainer and Swablu must be related.]

H-hey, Hawkeye, cut that out! [Cue a shota flailing at his big bird with one arm and covering his hair with the other.]

i'm a daddy?!?!, lol wut, !video, omg omg excited tiems, attack of the cottonballs, no comprende, herp a derp derp

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