So, I went a little crazy and made about sixty million quote icons (Okay, so sixty million is a small exaggeration. But there are a lot of them.)
If you haven't seen Episodes 1 and 2 of the new series of Doctor Who, there are 'spoilers' in that I've iconed some of the jokes from the episode, but nothing plot-y.
- Comment, credit (
finalstraw__, not
airtime__, please, thank you! :D), no hotlinking, and enjoy!
- For the
shoebox_project icons, please credit the
shoebox_project before you credit me, thank you!
WikiQuote is fantastic for quote icons; the rest of my resources are
here! Some of these are from memory, so please tell me if I've got anything wrong!
- Enjoy!
01-35; 'Doctor Who' - various Four, Nine and Ten quotes
36-53; 'Firefly' quotes
54-79; 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Four Parts' quotes (with a few quotes from the film)
shoebox_project quotes
88-102; 'Stargate Atlantis' quotes - various Season One