(no subject)

May 29, 2005 20:51

What is your full name? aerielle(ariel-air) bryanne maxwell
Age? 15
Where do you live? alabama-Florida
Male or Female? female
height? 5'8 1/2
Hair color? dark brown
Eye color? dark brown
You think your pretty? you tell me...
What would you change about yourself? nothing i can think of?
What is your best feture? my laugh...?
What kind of music do you like? all different kinds
List 5 of your fav bands. rascal flatt, fall out boy, letters to cloe,thats all i can think of
5 fav songs? Sugar were going down, summer girl, Yeah, , california
Peircings? my ears-hopefully my belly button soon!
tattoos? nope
Describe them. i dont have any
You have a job? If so, what? nope
You go to school? Where? yeah.Lake Mary High School
Have any pets? 1 fish Isabella
Have any addictions? the OC and shopping
Do drugs? nope
You drink? water
coke or pepsi? pepsi
Do you live in the moment? alot of the time
Whats one thing you regret? stuff that happened over Winter break...
Any bad habits? bitting my nails?
You like yourself? most of the time
What do you want to do when you get older? go to college...get married..live good(great)
Whats a compliment you get most from people? i have cute clothes and im funny?
Biggest fear? BUGS...and CAMPING!!!!
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? yea
You happy with your life? sometimes
Anything you would change about it? nope
Are you good looking? you tell me...
What fictional character are you most like? im not sure..Sleeping Beauty i love to sleep
You religious? yes
Beleive in God? of course
Been outta the country? Where? does the Bahamas count?
Ever run away? nope
Ever gotten beaten up? yeah by my brother
Beat somebody up? yeah when i was going into 8th this girl threw down my Kate Spade bag and i whopped her butt and when this little kid was picking on my little brother i beat him up pretty bad!lol
Longest youve gone with out sleep? like 18 hours
With out food? ummm...never i love and live to eat
Ever fallen in love? yea
whats you longest relationship? 1 year and 3 months-i was in 6th grade(girls{les n kel} my lova doesnt count-haha)
Ever cheat on someone? no
Anyone cheat on you? yea..
Virgin? yes
How many people have you slept with? none
Ever kiss a member of the same sex? yeah..2 of my best friends-lol
Kissed a stranger? no
Who do you have a crush on? ohh hard one...
Cried over the opposite sex? nope
Have alot of friends? yea
Ever lost a friend? unfortunatly yes
How old were you when you got your first kiss? umm 14{kel n les he doesnt count}
Ever been dumped? no
Ever dump someone? yea
Whats the most romantic thing someone has done for you? im not sure
When was the last time you showered? this morning
Swore? 5 days ago..
Smoked? never
Drank? never
Ate? like 3 hours ago
Cried? end of basketball season
Went to the bathroom? like 2 hours ago.
Burshed you teeth? like 20 mins ago
Had sex? never
Done drugs? never
Kissed someone? April
What time is it? 9:15
What are your favorite movies? Cinderella Story, napolean dynomite, Drop Dead Fred,10 things i Hate About You,Shes All that,Bring it On..ect..
Fav. books? Gossip Girl-series of books-
Animals? khoalas?i think thats how u spell it
You play an instroment? nope-i used to play the piano
Have a cell phone? yes
Exercise? alot
Live somewhere not in the US? nope
Speak any other languegs? lol Spanish?
Ever sneak out of your house? yeah
Ever been arrested? nope
For what? nothing never been arrested
Been to a concert? yes
Killed an animal? a bug
Bitten someone? maybey...i cant remember...?
Been Bitten? yea...
Got the chicken pox? yea when i was like 4
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends? i have an even amount of both
How many people have you dated? i dunno..
Do you drive? yeah-with a parent
Favorite word? holler
How many people have broke your heart? not many...
Hearts you have broken? im not sure
Scars on your body? like 5
Who was the last person that yelled at you? my mom
Last person who made you cry? old friend
Last person who made you laugh? friends
Who bought you something? my neighbor n mom
Who you talked to on the phone? Kel-best friend
Last person that said that they loved you (no family)? dont wanna say{EX}
Do you have a secret no one knows about? possibly
What makes you happy? shopping..snickers..and laughing
What makes you sad? not shopping..not having money..and being grounded
What makes you angry? stupid people...
Ever cheat on a test? hmmmk next question...
Been in jail? no
Been suspended from school? no
Been Kicked out of school? nooo
Been in the hospital? yeah when i fell out of the car when i was like 4 or 5 yrs old.
Stayed on the phone for 3 hours or more? yea
How would you like to die? peacefully
How old do you want to be when you die? ollllldddd
You listening to music now? If so, what? Fall Out Boy
have alot of enemies? i dunnoo..some
Have any special talents? nope
Seen a shooting star? i think so
Did you make a wish? yeah
Ever get a cavity? uhh yeaaaah
What are your turn ons? a great guy that makes me laugh and dresses really good
What are your turn offs? gross,broke,LIARS -n- CHEATERS
Who makes you smile the most? my little sister and Kel n Les
Ever been in a car accident? nope
Been in a bar and drank? no and no
What do you think about abortion? ...
Ever seen a ghost? no
What did you do on your last birthday? nothing special..cake..wishes..presents..
Did you like this quiz thing? yeah it was ok..
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