Twitter & New The Spread Radio Show Facebook Page.

Mar 23, 2013 12:46

Hello guys;

First of all apologies for not posting enough because seriously I haven't had the time of sorts. I know I have recently been receiving complaints about my Twitter feed on here and after mooching about some have found the settings to turn it off which I have. So no more Twitter on my Livejournal.

In other news in order to stop Spam out there I have created a new Official Facebook Page for my radio show on Krystal Radio and if you wish to receive updates and join in the show (even after the show is finished) please "Like" my page here: Kevin J. Mann - The Spread - Official Facebook Page

Also don't forget my official radio broadcasting web page: Kevin J. Mann - Official Website

As one or two of my listeners have got a little naughty recently involving pictures I have re-instated a personal Twitter account here: Personal Kevin J. Mann Twitter Account which as you could imagine is under lock and key, if you still want to keep in touch with me but not hear about my radio shows please feel free to transfer from my Official Radio Twitter Account: Official Radio Twitter Account

Sorry I haven't had the time to post properly but hopefully I should be able to do so properly after the current weekend of radio.

Goodbye for now guys!

update, radio, facebook, internet, livejournal, twitter, broadcasting

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