Title: When Osmium and Iridium Collide Characters: Kyuhyun, Zhou Mi Rating: PG-13 Genre: Comedy, Fluff, Romance Summary: Where Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun are both being stupid
hehehe adorable =3= qmi are so stupid together <3 it almost felt like theatre scene when zhou mi finally found out what's going on, with people walking gradually on to the scene from ~the shadows~ :D you might want the fic get beta-checked for grammar, it spoils the fun a bit :|
Ahhhhh so cute!!! Lol, Donghae stole the show for a second there. “It’s a mission,” Donghae blurted out. “From the ninja council. No one says no to the ninja council.” >.< Ninja! Donghae is just so cute I want to pinch his cheeks.
Zhou mi and Kyuhyun~~~Both very stupid and awkward sometimes but I love them for it. Thanks for this lovely fic~~~
Comments 10
there isbln't enough cute qmi fics these days.
You should go to the qmidayeveryday comm. :)
it almost felt like theatre scene when zhou mi finally found out what's going on, with people walking gradually on to the scene from ~the shadows~ :D
you might want the fic get beta-checked for grammar, it spoils the fun a bit :|
but I liked it all in all ~o~
Thank you for reading! :)
Zhou mi and Kyuhyun~~~Both very stupid and awkward sometimes but I love them for it. Thanks for this lovely fic~~~
Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi... both are just too awkward to say what they feel and end up creating an even bigger mess. Haha!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!
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oh! make it both of them. :DD
anyway. this is adorable! i really like!
and donghae..... safhgsagjjhjhhaljkajkga. this just made me wanna kidnap that..that..kid! :DD
I'm glad you enjoyed reading. :D
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