happy easter!

Mar 26, 2005 04:03

easter sunday tomorrow!!! but no easter egg hunt for me.. :(

--update update update--

holy thursday- i went to school to go to confession, i came in late and met with pat.. we did not get to confess, the line was just sooooo long!!! it seemed like everyone was cramming their confession.. oh well, i am part, i haven't gone for like a month already.. :s anyway, i went to pats house after to prepare the gifts for the volleyball seniors.. hehe! it was actually cute! we decorated these tank tops, and it turned out okay!i kinda screwed up one but thanks to pat, she fixed it..

good friday- i went to school with my dad to go to confession. the guard stopped me when i got in, he said my skirt wasn't allowed coz it was above the knee. F.Y.I. my skirt was just above the knee. it wasn't shooort at all! or at least there are skirts shorter than mine.. i think the guard was new, i haven't seen him around... but really, i dont think my skirt was that short.. hmph... anyway, i got to confess and i found out something from the priest. it kind of shocked me but then i got over it...  now i am really really careful... i've already confessed but i still don't feel like im ready to die.. i think it's what father (the priest) told me... i was supposed to do the way of the cross that day but i fell asleep.. i woke up past 4 and when we went to the church, there was this mass of some sort.. oh well...

we didn't do the visita iglesia this year. i liked doing that because i get to make 3 wishes... hehe.. unfortunately, not this year.

black saturday- i stuffed myself with chips and jelly beans in the morning and i went to quezon city in the afternoon. i visited my lola. she kept on asking what i wanted to eat for merienda...i feel bad for my lola though, she told me not to leave her alone... aah, *guilty*... but im a good grand daughter already!!! the only reason why i'd get annoyed at my lola is coz she would smoke all the time before and i did not enjoy the smoke at all.. oh well... --i love ya lola!--

our neighbor gave us jelly beans again.. jelly belly.. i love jelly beans but this one has like 49 flavors and im very picky! i only like the fruity or candy tasting ones.. i dont like cinnamon or licorice or coconut or uhh.. some wierd flavor.. now i have to be very careful when i eat 'em! hehe!

one thing i realized just today..my brother and sister are both married but i was never a flower girl nor a bridesmaid (??) iunno.. hmm..i was too old to be the flower girl and i was also too young to be a bridesmaid... gosh!!!

argh!! SOMEONE is ANNOYINg me NOW!!!! AHH!! Kakainis!! FEELING!!!!! tss...

-BYE now-
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