Dec 26, 2009 00:19

I feel like I should commemorate this year somehow. the happiest moment of this year for me was when I got into Interior Design, but this wasn't the best year for me. I am hoping 2010 will be better, but we will see. I do have a couple New Years Resolutions that I think I can make happen.
1. go skydiving
it is something I have been meaning to do since I turned 18 but I haven't done it yet, and I know if I don't do it I will regret it.
2. have more fun
I think this is also something plausible, hopefully it'll turn out well I don't really know what that would entail.
3. save up enough money to go study abroad
this is the biggest one and the one I am most determined to do. so I hope 2010 is a fruitful year because $6,000 is a lot of money...

I will probably reflect more (or not at all) as the week goes on but I came across something today that will forever bother me, and was a minimal yet dramatic moment of 2009, I present to you:

(Keep in mine that this is a list posted on FB, by someone from RSS.  you don't have to read the whole list, it was my insomnia that kept me going through it.  something else that annoyed me this year was Rachel Maves, I could not even put into words how much that girl bugged the crap out of me though so I won't try.  I am in kind of a pissy mood so hopefully later on I'll reminisce without focusing on things that annoyed me.)

-People who mispronounce “celtic”.
-The word “sure”. Fuckin' say "yes" or "no".
-“Truly, Madly, Deeply” by Savage Garden.
-Beyonce, and basically everything she does MINUS the "Single ladies" SNL skit saved by Justin and Andy.
-When people make fun of other people to their faces, and they’re not joking. Don't pick on someone for NO reason, I'll punch you in your face.
-When people add you on facebooks and they are guidos and you don't know them.
-When people make fun of people with problems, in front of people with problems or to those people’s faces and those people don’t understand that they are being made fun of.
-When people think that they are good at something, but they in fact suck.
-When people ignore your IM's or screen your phone calls.
-Couples who speak in baby voices ALL THE TIME.
-People who prefer talking online to talking on the phone.
-People who prefer texting to talking on the phone.
-People who prefer talking on the phone to talking in person. Ugh.
-When things touch my wrist and it like pricks my wrist.
-Paper cuts.
-Nasty shades of colors, like dark army green, or a dull brown, or a dingy yellow. Delete them from this world please and thank you.
-People who don’t appreciate Classical Music.
-People who don’t really listen to any music, how can you live your life without music?
-People who pretend to be Irish, when they’re not Irish.
-People who are condescending to others when they have no room (i.e. they took a class in psychology, so they try and tell you what your mental diagnosis is, even though it was ONE class…)
-When someone really likes something or wants to do something nice for someone and they get really excited and that person just knocks it down or ignores them and their feelings.
-People who take up BOTH sides of the moving walkway & escalators.
-Fat people.
-Fat people who wear skinny people's clothing.
-When people get tattoos simply to get a tattoo, your tattoo should symbolize and mean something to you that’s why you’re imprinting it on your body- FOREVER, jesus.
-Fat people who complain about being fat, if you don’t like your weight DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And sitting on a couch and complaining isn’t going to make you skinnier.
-People who say depressing things solely to get attention. If you’re really depressed, cool, I’ll be there by your side (not cool that you’re really depressed, but like cool that you’re not a loser who fakes it). But throwing shit out there because you’re a narcissist and any attention is good attention, fuck no. Fuck that.
-People that aren’t close to their family.
-Lazy people.
-People who find too many things wrong with the world.OUR WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL, STFU.
-People who can’t stand up for themselves.
-Dumb people, not naive people.
-People who can’t spell and make really obvious grammatical errors left and right. Even though they were privileged enough to go to school.
-People who don’t read and/or don’t like reading. I just, don’t get you. What does that even mean?
-More than 30sec of any Beyonce song. I don’t know…it just boils my blood. She really grinds my gears.
-People that take jokes too far.
-Valentine’s Day. It’s the gayest holiday ever. It should die.
-Super Emo Girls. (note: Super Emo guys are hot, emo girls=sluts).
-Dating someone who is gay, don't play that way guys.
-Flaky people.
-People who have issues, but don't seek out help because they are too afraid to face their own demons. Get the fuck over it. kthx.
-"Light beers", and Coors. STOP BREWING NASTY SHIT.
-Swingers. That's so wrong....I was disgusted I had trouble typing it out!!
-Mormons. Probably because they are polygamists & I hate cheating.
-People who shop at HotTopic TOO much.
-Shows that promote people being fat, and say that a size "14" is average. Shut the hell up "More to Love", I hope you get deleted off the air.
-Bratty kids.
-Parents who don't pay attention to their kids.
-People who ask you questions and think they are being nice, but you can tell damn well that they are digging for information.
-The spring time. WTF is that shit, just skip to summer.
-That white/tan tape that has the threads in it and doesn't Fing work AT ALL. why do we waste material making it??????
-People who don't shower. Gross.
-When someone's hair is way greasy.
-Bad B.O.
-At the same token: people who wear too much cologne/perfume.
-Old Spice. Yuck.
-Too much basil on food, tone it down leaf.
-The word "cunt". It's mean.
-JoJo. Thank god nothing became of her.
-Katie Holmes. Idk, just wtff girl.
-People who walk slow.
-When you got to park your car, and you think you see a spot, but it's really just a motorcycle or a really small car.
-When people pass you over the double yellow line on winding roads.
-When your friends are drunk, but they believe they can drive.
-People who snort Tylenol. You're not cool. Stop it.
-People over 22 who still live with their parents...
-People who think dressing nicely means "nice jeans". Fuck you.
-JORTS. just, never please.
-People who try and one up you even though no one ever started a competition.
-People who don't take "no" for an answer.
-People who flirt with you at work and think it's funny, even though it's really fucking not.
-When people come up behind me and breathe on the back of my neck.
-People who create stupid-ass terms like "Juggalo". Get over it.
-People who can't handle being drunk.
-Drunk people in general.
-When people say "I understand", "I get it", "I know what you're feeling", "I've been there" about something that no one else can feel but you.
-Erratic behavior that doesn't occur on a regular basis.
-People who go over the top about hitting on you. I can only be complimented so many times. JESUS.
-People named Claudia.
-The fact that white people can't have a day or a channel dedicated to us because that would be racist. But, I love everybody...
-Changing diapers.
-When it's cloudy outside, but there is no rain.
-Grey Hound buses.
-The fact that the news only really plays negative stories, it makes me afraid to step out of my house.
-The way our society portrays us and relationships. I feel like I can trust NO ONE because life is just one giant episode of Gossip Girl.
-Harry Potter himself after book 4, whiney baby.
-Creep creeps.
-Weird bugs that I have never seen before in my life.
-People that have no direction in life.
-The thought that money brings happiness.
-The thought that "Making something of youself" means that you will have to have a nice house that you bought with the loads of money you made from a high paying job that you can't stand and never let's you see your wife & kids.
-Moms that try to be MILFs and fail.
-People who act more drunk then they actually are. EW.
-When I wake up, want some cereal, start pouring it into my bowl, and get mostly crumbs.
-When people order junked up Lattes and then say "no whip, i'm trying to lose weight". There is fat in everything you just ordered bitch.
-When people are really skinny, but they don't have any muscle.
-The feeling of chewing on tin foil, so weird.
-Being lost due to detours.
-People who put their contacts in WHILE driving on the highway.
-People who let their dogs sit in their laps.
-People who think others are incapable because of their age.
-When people ignore common sense.
-Bad breath. Don't talk in my face.
-Northern Virginia Soccer Mom drivers. Go back to Driver's Ed.
-Stage Moms/Sports Dads.
-When someone's dad or mom is their coach.
-People who don't appreciate what they have when it's something awesome and wonderful. Go die
-It's the middle of the night, you wake up to go to the bathroom, turn on the light, and it burns out.
-Dropping my phone.
-Trying to put on eyeliner when it's sunny outside.
-When you hit "detour" on a GPS and it doesn't work and you hit "detour" again, it gives you the SAME detour.
-Trying to remove fake nails.
-When you feel like you have to pee, and then you don't really have to pee.
-Being late.
-A room that is too hot, and trying to sleep in it.

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