Apr 18, 2004 01:53
Sssssooooooo....the party was winding down, and we were sorting out who was going to crash where. One of our shopmates was extremely bombed, and he started to get a little touchy feely with the only other sober person there (who happened to be a new female member of our shop). I pulled his arm off of her once, but, I failed to intervene in time to stop the second incident. As she was about to walk out the door, he came up to her, planted his hands on either side of her face, and attempted a kiss/lick maneuver. She barely realized what was going on in time and turned her face at the last minute. Even though she avoided more serious contact, the invasion of her personal space pissed her off big time. I don't blame her. I would be royally ticked off myself. Let's hope that things will cool down tomorrow and get handled on a low level on Monday so that it doesn't turn into a bigger problem. *shakes head*