"I Need You About As Much As I Need An Asshole On My Elbow!"

Dec 22, 2005 02:18

Pretty much
the past couple days
have been freaking

Spent lots of time
with Miss Katie
and her buddy Alex.

Alex is one cool kid.

He did some really
cool tags downtown,
and now me, Katie, and
P-Lo are gonna have
a taggin' crew.

I gotta make a stencil.

Noah took his first
beer bongs
like a champ I might add.

Then went crazy
and decided to
threaten Brandon
with his finger gun.

Hella funny.

I hadn't taken a beer bong
in quite some time and
Joe, being the loving
friend he is,
decided I should do
three beers at once.

Pretty much got drunk,
pretty fast.

Got some new pants today.

Stoked on that.

Went to Laurie's and
ate pizza and watched
Rules of Attraction.

Super good movie.


Bake a cake?

Pay the rest of my speeding ticket?

Get a new jacket?

Make a stencil and tag?

Hang with Katie and Laurie?

I think....

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