Title: Skip to the End
Written by:
airinshaw and
catwalksalonePairing: John Paul/Craig, John Paul/OC, Craig/OC
Rating: PG-13
Length: 11700 words
Summary: What happened next.
Notes: Many thanks to
entropical87 for bearing with us through our giddies and for beta. *smishes her*
We wish we could say that this story was born out of a desire to write a specific story or something like that. But no - this was born out of us staying up too late, two nights in a row, talking about what we thought happened to the boys post-sunset ending.
What you (all five of you) are about to read is not fic as you know it. Consider the following a direct link to the fevered brains of airin and cat. We're sitting you down, camp-fire style, and this is what you get. You'll figure it out. We have faith.
Skip to the End)