Not even any hand-holding first

Nov 23, 2008 19:11

So I've been promising a pairing post for a wee while and I guess this is it.

Ok - so I have a pet hate. And it mainly happens in film (probably due to time constraints).

Picture it...boy meets girl. Boy thinks girl is hot. Girl thinks boy is hot. They maybe have some sex.

And then they're in love. To the point where they're actually willing to put the rest of their entire lives on hold for the other person. And we're meant to accept this. Not only that, we're meant to be all "Awwwww! Love!"

But see, I can't help but get all "What? WHAT?" because they don't know each other! They know nothing! They're working on sexual chemistry and maybe some infatuation. But not love. And it ANNOYS ME.

Some examples:

Trinity/Neo - The Matrix
Arthur/Trillian - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Josie/Sam - Never been Kissed
Anakin/Padme - Attack of the Clones

(The last one being particularly hideous).

And it's not that the relationships might not turn into well-rounded and amazing things where they know each other and are still in love, but it's just that we're expected to totally accept their tru-luv-4-eva when they've known each other five minutes and spent little to no time together and/or no time alone.

I've even totally bought into many of them (I'm thinking of the kissing bit in "Never Been Kissed"), only to actually think about it later and go "...what?"

As I said - it mainly happens in films and at least that's understandable due to the time constraints. It's hard to condense that getting-to-know-you stuff into a couple of hours. But TV shows have no excuses.

I mean, in The Shrine, Rodney actually admits that he and Jennifer have not really spent any time together. And yet we're expected to believe that he's in love with her? And her with him? Um...ok. Thanks for that. And what makes it worse? I actually think that out of all of the options (if it has to be het... :P) then Jennifer is the best. I really like her.

On the flip side, I'm having a great deal of pairing-love for relationships/possible relationships that are born out of long-term potential.


Janeway/Chakotay (Chakotay/Seven being possibly one of the former examples of "What set up?")
Bones/Booth (Het OTP!)
McKay/Sheppard (Shut up - you totally knew it would be here)
Veronia/Wallace (Or Veronica/Logan. I'm ok with either. Or a nice OT3...)
Danny/Nick (Hot Fuzz)
Fitz/Fool (Robin Hobb's Farseer books - although I've only read the 1st trilogy)
Fraser/Ray (Pick which Ray you like :P)

A little aside about Chakotay/Janeway:

I know that in the finale one of the huge reasons that old!Janeway comes back is because Seven and Chakotay got together in her timeline and then Seven died, leaving Chakotay heartbroken. And of course that sort of fucked with the whole amazing chemistry and relationship set up between the Captain and Chakotay. (Of course the whole "Angry Warrior" speech of Chakotay's in season two being the most explicit)

But, I mean regardless, by coming back Old!Janeway changed things. Chakotay and Seven makes a lot more sense when you think about the fact that they were meant to spend a lot more time in the Delta quadrant. Chakotay had pretty much stated that he was in love with Janeway many times only for her to make it clear that while she was his Captain, she wouldn't give in to her own feelings for him. So he moves on and, well, Seven is stacked. Why not date the "hot" girl?

But that gets changed. Instead of there being no future for them together because Janeway will pretty much be his Captain for (what they think is) 60-odd years, they get home. And Chakotay's only had three dates with Seven. Then once they're back on Earth, who really do we see Chakotay choosing to spend the most time with?


Coming back from my OTP-blinkers, I know this post isn't exactly coherant, but it wasn't meant to be. But if anyone wants to share some of the utterly inexplicable pairings that make them boggle, feel free.


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