Hiiiii! I'm pretty much back now - internets all up and a-running. After I installed about 50m of network cable... but we're getting wireless cars for the two PCs this weekend I think.
Anyway! This isn't the point of my post.
catwalksalone and I have been keeping a secret for a few weeks, which was WAY easier for me than for her because I didn't have the internets to tempt me. Anyway - now it's time for PIMPING.
What's this? Friday with no new SG:A? It's like Abbott without Costello, yin without yang, bread without butter (or low fat not-at-all-butter variant of your choice).
So to see ourselves through hiatus and to graphic-ise the cracked conversations we were having, we created 'Everybody Loves Rodney!', a weekly webcomic reinterpreting the events of season 4 through a completely slightly cracked lens. From the what-passes-for-brains of
airinshaw and
Head on over to
loves_rodney (
Profile) where you'll find the first installment...
Adrift: In which graphs prove not to be the answer for everything