So the other day I had 4x09 and 4x10 of SGA to watch (I like to leave them a while then have a mass viewing over a few days.) I was IMing Liz, as I oft do, to say hi during her work day and have a quick chat.
But sometimes she's away from her desk or is busy and I have to wait for her to come back. As she didn't respond immediately I stuck 4x09 - Miller's Crossing on to, you know, pass the time. And of course then ended up typing all of my reactions into the IM window to her.
Of course at no point during this did she come back and I giggled to myself for HOURS over what her reaction would be when she logged on and found hundreds of offline messages of me watching SGA.
Well, as it turns out, she was online the whole time and it was actually Y!M being a COCK and not sending my IMs. So she made me promise to post the entire thing so she didn't miss out.
Therefore, here, created faithfully as happened, is my running commentary for Miller's Crossing.
airinshaw: Hola Lizka!
airinshaw: Jeannie! No!
airinshaw: *Clings to her* OMG
airinshaw: *FLAIL*
airinshaw: (You do know that until you reply this is now going to be a running commentary of me watching Miller's Crossing for the first time?
airinshaw: Well - jeans and a suit jacket. DOESN'T MAKE IT LESS OMFG-AWESOME!
airinshaw: Is it wrong that while there's the whole "Where's mom?" bit of Rodney seeing Madison again all I can think is "Dude - Rodney's PACKING..." *climbs into the handbasket*
airinshaw: Ohhhhhhhhhhh okay. "Written by Martin Gero" - explains why I'm stuck in "AWESOMEEEE" after just 5:11 of the show
airinshaw: Oh Kaleb......bless
airinshaw: Also - John playing with Madison? Uh huh - we all KNOW that he's been there before. With Rodney. To visit the family. OTPPPPPPPP
airinshaw: That's a nice little John-Ronon eyefuck there. See? I may not ship them but I'm still thrilled for the John/Ronon OTP-ers when they get their action too!
airinshaw: Oh Jeannie. Oh BABY. Oh god
airinshaw: Also? OMFG Kate Hewlett how so hot?
airinshaw: Awww bless. John and Ronon just SAT, waiting for Rodney to call them. *Hearts their whole themness* Teammmmmm.
airinshaw: "Even I underestimate how smart I am sometimes" Oh Rodney ♥
airinshaw: Although could be a make-it-easy-to-crack trap? I hope not though because I love Rodney being smarter than even he thinks he is
airinshaw: *More flail!* Oh Rodney - going to kick the door down and wassiname of the NID just opening the door. Just when I think that I love Rodney to my full extent...
airinshaw: Bollox. Okay - so it WAS a "let's-make-it-easy-to-crack" trap. Bugger.
airinshaw: They stole John's boyfriend. There's going to be some ASS kickings. Also? Ronon-with-earth-gun-in-earth-clothes? Strangely hot. Not as hot as normal!Ronon? But weirdly more "alien!hot" than normal!Ronon. He looks more like an alien here than in peg
airinshaw: Heee - "Nancy Drew" And guys - STOP BLAMING RODNEY FFS! you didn't exactly not want him to send you the emails-of-secret!
airinshaw: Oh god - Rodney stepped in front of Jeannie. We all know that Rodney is brave, but it still makes me all happy to see it on screen
airinshaw: I'm really loving Rodney's persistant bed-head hair
airinshaw: TBH? Rodney's right. Jeanne's right too? Because it would be great to help the girl? But at the end of the day Rodney's, uh, righter
airinshaw: Why weren't they monitoring at all times anyway? God. Plus the network access....Rodney's right - rookie mistake
airinshaw: No! nonono! BASTARD!
airinshaw: Why is everyone so angry at Rodney? Poor baby
airinshaw: Heee - The three guys looking through files? FBI AU!
airinshaw: "You think you're going to find someone better?" Oh Jeannie - so naive. He's in love with John. Katie is his beard
airinshaw: Okay - so let me guess. At this point I have about half of the show left to go. The nanites are going to be all replicator-y now aren't they. My first clue was when they decided to set the nanites free. If I can figure that out? Why the fuck can't Rodney or Jeannie?
airinshaw: Awwwwww - poor Walter.
airinshaw: The thing is? If the guy had just come to Jeannie (and Rodney) and ASKED for them to save his daughter? Then they would have. No need for injecting folk or prison or other such shenanigans. Stupid man
airinshaw: Random English doctor. Cool
airinshaw: Heeeeee he broke her legs! Oh Rodney
airinshaw: *Pauses it with the gate open* Oh god they're bringing the wraith to earth aren't they. *resumes* Yep - I was right
airinshaw: How are they feeding the wraith anyway?
airinshaw: Oh okay - maybe they aren't feeding him
airinshaw: He's going to offer himself isn't he
airinshaw: Oh Rodney - oh Rodney
airinshaw: "I can't lose my sister John" I.....I think my heart just broke into a million pieces. Oh god. Oh GOD. OTP. Name-use. And Rodney - using his name only when it means the most. Oh god.
airinshaw: "I can't..." Oh John. Oh Rodney. OMFG......MARTIN GERO I FUCKING LOVE YOU!
airinshaw: Holy shit. Is John going to tell that guy that did the kidnapping and then the guy will feed himself to the wraith? John....shades of grey to save your boyfriend's sister
airinshaw: John - holy shit you cunning, manipulative, AMAZING, IN LOVE bastard!
airinshaw: HOLY JESUS. John fed a guy to a wraith.....TO SAVE RODNEY. Yes, to save Jeannie, but because he couldn't let Rodney die to do it. OMFG MARTIN GERO WITH THE WRITING OF THE "TEXT". FORGET "SUB"!
airinshaw: Okay - Rodney? John just told you that he loves you in the only real way he knows how
airinshaw: I think that's officially McShepper's choice for episodes of SGA. I though Doppleganger was pretty slashy? But OMFG it was NOTHING compared to this!
airinshaw: Okay - as you're clealy still not there, I'm going to head off. You're going to open your IM eventually and find all this and either hate me or love me. :P I hope it's love? :D
In conclusion: McShep! \o/\o/