My brain likes to laugh and point

Jul 25, 2007 06:41

My plan for last night was to get to bed early and get some fecking sleep. As all my such plans, it was about to go the way of the dodo because of this longfic that looked oh-so-tempting that I knew I had bookmarked...and then LJ went down! It's like they knew.

So I know that it was a pain in the arse for everyone else? But for me it was Von-gets-enough-sleep-sponsered-by-LJ. \o/

Von also dreamt that she was on the HCT helping the bands revise for their physics exams. I just....WTF brain? At least it could have been the porn-version of "revision"! Where everyone gets bored and has sex. But no - although VickyT was on track to get an A? Yay?

*Sigh* My brain fails me sometimes.

Maybe I should write it a list of things that I want. Or don't want. Like I don't want to be kissing DH only to find that he's a crap kisser! That's just mean. And taunting.

And just as an aside...Mmmmmm...DH.

And I'm done.

me, dreams

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