Just the time to think about this

Jun 20, 2006 08:23

So I slept for 15 hours last night. 5pm until 8am this morning. And I could have slept more but my alarm woke me up so that I could call in sick at work. That doesn't look dodgy at all... But I also called the doctors and I have an appointment for 10am for him to hopefully pull magical cures out of his ass (please not literally) so that I can feel all better. I might also lodge a complaint about my body breaking down while away. What do you reckon - with the gods of all the major religions just to cover all bases?

"Dear God/Allah/etc

I'm very displeased with my body's apparent inability to travel without getting ill. I'm not Daniel! (film!Daniel, not tv!Daniel as tv!Daniel apparently travels with ease) I wish to lodge an official complaint about this facet of my body's immune system so that in later models you can work on correcting the flaw.

Yours sincerely


What do you think? Rain of toads? Lightening strike? Or merely a strongly-worded letter back telling me to fuck off? Either way it's probably not worth the hassle.

Anyway - being the pilfering little muppet that I am, I read this in apetslife's journal and it seemed an interesting thing to think about, especially considering my weekend, so I stole it to think about here.

What do you think you've gained through fandom? What have you lost?

What I've gained is the easy one I guess. I've gained people who I can talk ad nauseum with about the things I'm passionate about because they are passionate about them too. I just spent a weekend away, surrounded by people who were all there for the same reason I was and I could jump from person to person and find anything and everything to talk about. I could get excited about, for example, DH's heart-shaped-ass and yes, I'd be mocked for my love, but no more than Liz about Callum's hands, for example. And lovingly.

From fandom I have gained a focus for my love in a way, and a knowledge that my mild-obsessiveness is not unusual. I've gained so many amazing friends who I never would have met otherwise. I also gained a girlfriend at one point and although she is now an ex-girlfriend, I never would have met her unless through these communities.

I have also gained the ability to force people to touch Rodney.

The bit that really interests me though is what I've lost. Because there are things that I've lost. Time mainly! But I've definitely had a great reduction in the amount I'm willing to stop being me in order to spend time with people I was friends with. To a great extent, a lot of my friends weren't into things the way that I was/am. They didn't talk about tv/films/books/etc and so I would not talk about it so I wouldn't bore them to tears. But now I have a smaller circle of friends, but they're better friends. Gradually I've lost touch with the people I was friends with who would just never get it.

I've also lost that part of me that would allow other people to make me feel stupid for the things I love and the passion that I love them with. That's not to say that I don't ever feel stupid about it, but I've gained a certain amount of fandom-pride because dude - did you see how witty and funny everyone was this weekend, and not just about fandom stuff? Boring, normal people are never that funny.

So, in conclusion, fandom? Yay!

Ok - I guess I should get dressed. If I go to the doctors half-naked he usually tells me off. And cries a little bit.

usa, fandom, work, friends

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