Innappropriate? Probably

Mar 28, 2006 11:15

Anna and I just sat laughing at Very loudly. Thankfully no customers came in while we laughed like hyenas at the lovely and filthy comic images found therein. (Anyone who hasn't checked out the site should. Right now. Go on. Shoo!)

Still feeling ill - blurgh - but ok. Not in a really awful way, you know? And Anna's keeping me dosed up. Went round to Liz's last night leaving Anna and Jac at Anna's (they were both feeling crappy). It was really great! We hung out and talked about so many things, ranging from the supremely nerdy (fics, both SGA and due South) to the high-brow (high-brow fics, both SGA and due South) Heh.

It's kind of weird that it was exactly 2 years ago that I was in the US with Sarah. Stuff keeps reminding me of that (not necessarily in a bad way - more just...weird) and it is kind of strange to think that I'm in America and not seeing her. But I guess things change and move on and I know that I have.

Jac and Anna were up until daft o'clock last night talking (I crashed around 10pm - wuss!) and it's great that they've bonded. I love my sister and like that other people are getting on with her too - heaven knows she blames me for her ever-increasing nerdiness! As I've said before, I plan to make her as geeky as possible and then run back into "cool" without her, laughing! Mwuahahahaha!

tv: due south, funny, america, tv: sga, friends, family

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