
Mar 19, 2006 18:29

A good weekend all in all. Spent the evening with Rachel on fri night - catching up and stuff. Yesterday we celebrated Jac's birthday because we're going to be in America when she turns 20 and so she wanted a celebration with family before she went.

It was also my best friend Lainey's actual birthday so she came up

(Lainey: Von! We're 26!
Me: What's this "we"? I'm 25 dammit.
Lainey: *laughs* Yeah
Me: And clinging on to every moment of it goddammit. Every second of 25)

We had food and drinks and talks of - well - everything. It really was great and even better because I get to celebrate with Jac on her actual birthday next sunday - in America!

Last time Lainey was here she watched some VM and I sent her home with all of season 1 and half of season 2. She's addicted. I am nothing if not a tv-as-drug-dealer. I also gave her SGA season 1 which she's also loving. I'm spreading the SGA-love. Like a sci fi STD.

Oh - and I have to pimp sgapodfic because this sudden influx of podslash? Love it! It's the best thing since some guy went "Dude! How about slicing the bread?" "Steve*! Man! That's genius!"

I think the guys at KFC drive thru think I'm crazy as I was listening to some very funny John/Rodney on my MP3 player while, you know, driving-thru. Ability to listen to slash while driving? Genius! More people need to do this!
Liz - I'm looking at reading your F/K fics for my listening pleasure on my way to work? Yes please!

Ok - I have to go as Jac is sitting next to me waiting for me to finish so that we can watch more Due South. Mmmm....Rayness.

* Not Steve the wraith

tv: due south, tv: sga, fic, slash, friends, family

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