I have had two days of postal joy.
First of all thankyou to
the Jojo! Boys! Together! In santa hats! I showed it off to everyone.
And secondly to
the lovely Laura who sent me
one of these. Joy! I get to see her and Richard at new year - me and Jac are going there - and maybe one day the house dream may come true! *hopes*
I know a lot of mt flist are all "Ack! Christmas! No!" but I love it - I can't help it! I guess it helps that I have had good experiences in the past and that I worship my family and love having them live nearby again - a 4-5 hour drive was not fun.
Also - on a not really related note - I was
tagged by fan_this to
rant about bunnies for 5 minutes...
I could have just typed out the lyrics to Anya's bunny song from "Once More With Feeling" but then a real rant about bunnies came to mind!
Bunnies piss me off. Why? Because they possess the ability to make my brain stop dead. How I hear you ask?
When I see that image my brain just ceases to work - all blood flows away from my brain and I think it's a ploy. A plan by Bunny to distract me and therefore take over the world before I do! Which is just...mean. She even has versions that are for Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws!
Also - she
asks questions that are almost impossible to answer!!!
In conclusion - Bunnies are evil. And Bunny is teh uber evil.
In return I tag anyone who wants it to rant about:
1) Why slash fans are not employed to write TV shows more.
2) Why men have nipples
3) The injustice of something socio-political
In other news - I'm drinking Irn Bru from a lovely wine glass and eating popcorn. I have pretty, aforementioned iconage to gaze at and more Veronica Mars than I can shake a big stick at. *whistles happily*