(no subject)

Aug 15, 2005 19:09

Well, this weekend is going to be a blast. I only work 3 night this week, got friday off...gunna use that day to get things ready for Camping, and make a pasta salad..yumyum, then around 5 gunna head over to Cavels. Def Leppard is Friday night. Whos all going? well theres Cavel and I, his sister Marcy and his nephew Josh, and also Brent and Laurel. It is gunna be a wicked concert! I can't wait. Then Saturday morning Cavel, me, Brent and laurel head out to Caddy Lake. Cavel made the reservations, so all we have to do is get there and set up camp, and we are there until Monday night.

Things with Cavel and I are great..I am very happy :-). He met Chrys this weekend, that went alright I think...haha. I dunno what it is, but even when I first met him, I had this big feeling I could trust him, and I do. I even let him drive my car!! and I haven't let ANYONE drive my baby, not even Chrys...(that doesn't mean I don't trust you chrys, I do, heh) and I also notice he has a lot of respect for me, which I like. We have lots in common, and get along great.

Last Sunday Chrys and I went out for sushi at Kenko Sushi on Corydon. YUMMMMMM, we ordered 4 dishes btwn the 2 of us. It was sooo good, but we got full towards the end. Then we went across the street to Candy Mountain(I think thats what it was called) and relived our childhood and bought candy!! hehe

Today I went and visited my parents..dad was still at work when I got home, so I sat and talked with my mom. They got a new dog...not a puppy. His name is Dingo, he was actually my granny's dog, but since she is gone, he was kind of floating between my aunt Jackie and my uncle Albert...So they just gave him to my mom because they have a big backyard, and he can roam around there. He reminds me so much of Brutus. A big suck, and aparently only to me, he doesn't suck up to my parents like he does to me. I guess its because he knew me before, (I saw him when I went to go see my granny) this was his first time meeting my parents. I think hes about 3 or 4, not sure. hes a heinz 57 we think. I think I heard my uncle say he was a mix of a german sheppard and a Dingo... but I wondered how that was possible seeing as Dingos only reside in Australia...who knows....

Work is going well, same with supervising...its been pretty quiet the past 2 weeks.

Next week I am gunna start apartment hunting, it will be close enough to september that I can start looking, and I am sure people will know if they have anything open for November or not.

I guess thats it for now I think...Can't think of anything else, and really...too lazy to type more....
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