Two entries back, I ranted about a certain Christian man who was "failed my standards."
It was judgmental of me. I kinda take back all the anger.
It's just that all women expect too much of men, for that matter, and vice versa. Some women, especially me, like to think that there exists a man who is so convicted in his faith that he can never SIN. And today I shatter that image. Everyone sins.
I am currently reading this book Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot, it's basically about her love life. There are themes of long distant relationship, and the loneliness that goes with it. Her ideal man, Jim Elliot, she discovers one day, was just experiencing the hunger of normal men; thus he dated whoever he liked and kissed a few chicks here and there.
So because they weren't officially boyfriend-girlfriend (but in this screwed up state called "mutual understanding"), Elisabeth wrote Jimmyboy a letter in affectionate jealousy, confronting him about this.
Note that Elisabeth described Jim (yes, they got married eventually hence the same last name) as her ideal man and "the more Jim talked, the more I saw that he fitted the picture of what I hoped for in a husband... He was a real man, strong, broadchested, unaffected, friendly and I thought, very handsome. He loved God. That was the supreme dynamic of his life. Nothing else mattered much by comparison."
Jim, in reply, apologized greatly and repented though. Sincerely.
And here be an excerpt that urged me to write this entry...
What more could I expect? Jim Elliot was a man. Men are sinners. That was the simple truth. He was my ideal but I had come to terms with the truth. He had disappointed me. Hadn't I disappointed him many times?
"If we claim to be sinless, we are self-deceived and strangers to the truth. If we confess our sins, He is just, and may be trusted to forgive our sins... but if we say we have committed no sin, we make Him out to be a liar... Jesus Christ... himself is the remedy of our sins..." -1 John 1:8-10; 2:1,2
So looking for a man who has not sinned, He can only be this Dude.
Or someone who has not committed sexual sins and is still alive in the flesh, then this.
He's married though.