
Dec 07, 2009 21:00

2009 so far has been the most deathful year that occurred to me.

First there was my uncle last July, then my friend Kenly's dad on August, and just today a former schoolmate, Keziah Ang.

So this blog is dedicated to her, maybe a non-emotional and semi-eulogy, though I barely knew her. All interaction I ever remember with her was in early high school where we indirectly shared a laugh about the same thing, more than once.

One funny thing someone told me about her was, one time, she laughed so hard, those rubber bands on her braces snapped!

Here are some more messages left on her Facebook wall.

On, November 26th, her friend Nicole Uy wrote this! It's very touching to the heart, unintentionally.

I mean, it's so sad that Nicole wasn't able to go shopping, eat yummy food and watch a nice movie with Kez for one last time. Nor get addicted to So You Think You Can Dance.

I can almost feel it. :( But maybe before she entered Heaven's gates, God gave her a chance to, you know, watch one ep of that show, and be beside Nicole while she went shopping without her. And Nicole goes around saying, "I feel like Kez is here beside me!! Great!"

I don't know. Hope so.

This friend, Justinne Go, makes the best eulogies!

Says Keziah is good at "making people laugh, miss you, kez!" and if Kez were a coupon she would be a "free friend." Awwww~

Keziah didn't seem to log in her Facebook, though, because she had not replied to ANY of the posts (when she was still alive, I mean). Saint Peter will relay the message hopefully.

I believe we would have been great friends, though. She was boisterous, and seemed like a bubbly jolly person.

And I was deliberating to post on her wall. Maybe it would be rude of me. I was supposed to say "Condolences, my friend" but she isn't my friend, and it would be so weird to call her my friend just when she died right? And don't you say "condolences" only to relatives? Hmm..

What do you say to a dead person?

After a few seconds of thinking, here's what I wrote.

It LOOKS a little rude to me because there is no smiley emoticon. The statement is positive, but if I put a :) smiley then it would seem like I'm happy she died. So I thought of putting a :( frowny but it would seem like I'm sad that she's in heaven.

So that's that!

Seventeen is too young to die. Haven't even reached legal age yet. Lived long enough to make a difference but seems too soon to leave. But then, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.

Keziah's had leukemia for a time now. She was hospitalized recently then got into a coma, then finally angels brought her to Abraham's bosom.


Keziah's profile picture and the photo I posted on the previous post have EXACTLY THE SAME POSE!!!

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