The BAMF Meme

Dec 07, 2010 07:23

Happy Inception DVD release day! And what better way to celebrate than...

The Inception Competence Meme


The BAMF Meme

Cobb catching the shell casings as they fall from his gun before they can hit the ground. Ariadne redesigning dreams only moments after learning it's possible. Arthur dropping his team in zero gravity in less than three minutes. Yusuf creating a sedative compound for a three-level dream. Saito buying an airline. Eames taking down an entire army by himself...while on skis.

Tell us about why there is almost no one else in the world who can do what Eames can do with forgery in dreams. Write about how Ariadne is so brilliant that she'll be reinventing dream-sharing within a handful of years. Explore exactly what it is a point man does and marvel at how Arthur can possibly stay on top of all of that. Share a recs list of your favourite team extraction job stories. Or go AU! Write about Yusuf being awarded the Priestley Medal. Draw a comic strip of Mal being a secret international spy and accidentally dragging her husband in after her. Tell us about Saito collecting the best and brightest team in the world to compete in World Championship Punkin Chunkin. ( really, I would read that.)

Tell us how they're awesome, tell us why they're awesome. There are no rules beyond that.

Please remember to be courteous to one another; we're all here to have fun. Comment, pimp, and share the love!
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