Far too early in the morning, I am going to be on a plane for Florida, where I shall never again see the light of day for the next two weeks. Hopefully it will be warmer, though. People who are super-awesome and much more organized than I am, if you were thinking about sending something for next Thursday, please don't worry about it, because I don't want it to go astray and I'm not sure of my room number yet. I'm sorry!
This absolutely made my night last night, and everyone should check it out and participate.
arsenicjade has posted the
Love on Somebody Meme, and it is full of joy and love and amazing people that I need to comment on, as soon as I finally finish packing. Everyone who's left comments for me - you totally made me tear up, and I still don't know what to say in response, because every time I try, I end up typing &hearts a bunch of times, and you deserve more than that. Thank you.
I'm days behind on lj and it's only going to get worse, so I'm sorry for not reading all the stuff everyone has been posting lately, but I do have one quick rec:
five times gerard dislodged himself, or, a history in reverse. by
softlyforgotten - Frank/Gerard. It's gorgeous and intriguing and heartwarming and I love it. She constantly amazes me.
Instead of packing like a responsible person would, I have spent the past two days writing fic about Ryan being in heat. So, um. Be ready for that.