Master Bandslash Fic List

Dec 08, 2020 22:07


Table Stakes
Gabe/William ~ PG
“Tell me honestly,” Gabe says, because at this point, in for a penny, in for a pound. “Am I going to end up in jail in the morning?”

The King of Second Chances
Gabe/William ~ PG ~ AU
“I was wondering if you wanted to drive back with me,” William says, and wow, Gabe did not see that one coming.

Take this bet
Pete/William ~ PG ~ AU
Everyone knows this is where the vampires live.

Mikey/Gabe, Mikey/Gabe/William ~ R
They’ve made it this far. If they were going to fall apart, they would have done it already.

Party Time Buzz
William/Gabe ~ PG-13
“You want to end up on someone’s home video so your merch gets screen time doing the rounds between scene kids in backwater Illinois.”

Objects in Motion
Gabe/William ~ R ~ AU
“Gabey,” Pete said when he answered, grinning. “How’s my favorite slave master today?”

In our finest year
Jon-centric, Gabe/William ~ PG-13 ~ AU
(prequel to As close as it gets to home)
There’s a note from Patrick that says 'William can sometimes be a handful. Don’t let him get to you.' Jon isn’t quite sure how to take that, but he thinks he appreciates the warning.

Tick Tick Boom
Gabe/William ~ PG-13 ~ AU
And see, this was where it always got complicated. Gabe was thinking recon. The mob guys were thinking hostage situation.

Walk and Don’t Look Back
William/Patrick ~ NC-17
Sometimes he thought about Patrick and his stomach felt like it had when he was thirteen, nervous and hopeful and eager to prove himself. He kept thinking 'this is the year I’ll grow out of it,' but somehow he never had.

Six Years of Septembers
Gen-ish ~ PG ~ AU
(in the From the Ashes universe)
The boy said, “Hullo, I’m Andrew. I guess this means we’re roommates.”

Highway Lines and Interstate Signs
William/Travis (William/Travis/Gabe, other pairings implied) ~ NC-17
“This is a tour,” Travis replies easily. “Stop packing, you’ve got five days still. Take a vacation. I’ll see you on Warped.”

Gabe/William ~ R ~ AU
Gabe first met William in Mesopotamia, during what would later be considered 2371 BCE.

Pushing the Boundaries
Gabe/William ~ R
“This isn’t exactly what I thought you had in mind when you said retreat, bro,” Gabe comments, fingers digging into muscle just enough to make William’s shoulders rise.

Deep Inside of You
Spencer/Brendon ~ NC-17
It’s not every day that Spencer gets to do something with Brendon that Brendon’s never done before.

Falling into place
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
Ryan fidgets for a moment, fussy and awkward again. “So that’s it,” he says slowly, careful.

Any Place You’ll Allow (Rogues & Queens)
Frank/Gerard (Gabe/William, Pete/Ryland, Brendon/Ryan) ~ NC-17 ~ AU
Shit, he has no idea what the guy’s name is. He doesn’t think ‘you again’ is the sort of employee service Travis is hoping for.
(in the same universe as Straight Up Chicago Style)

Never Enough
Spencer/Brendon (genderswap) ~ NC-17 ~ AU
She knew Brendon had seen her staring, because Spencer hadn’t been able to keep her eyes off her for the rest of the shoot. She’s pretty sure everyone had seen her staring.
(in the same universe as Always, and again)

How Sir Brendon of Urie, a knight of the realm, along with his faithful companions, did quest to slay the fearful dragon of the mountain, and other adventures
Brendon/Spencer (Gabe/William, Patrick/Greta) ~ PG ~ AU
There was a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. This was the best thing to happen ever.

Always, and again
Spencer/Brendon (genderswap) ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“Hotel night!” Brendon chirps, inserting herself into the middle of the cluster of people and bags in the lobby. “I call Spencer!”

Bound by silver
Jon/Brendon ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“You’ve brought…” Ryan begins, mouth too dry to articulate the word pounding in his skull. Werewolf.

The hazards (and possible benefits) of drinking games
Gabe/William ~ PG-13
“Okay, moving on,” Nate says. “Never have I ever made a sex tape.”

Since we've no place to go
Gabe/William ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“Bill,” he said, struggling to keep his eyes open and not just continue fucking William into the ground. “I think…I think pollination season’s started.”
(in the same universe as 'Tis the season)

'Tis the season
Spencer/Jon ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”

Straight Up Chicago Style
Gabe/William, Pete/Ryland ~ NC-17 ~ AU
Six fucking a.m. in Chicago in October, and Gabe can’t believe he’d forgotten how much he missed this.

Any other word
Gabe/William ~ PG-13 ~ AU
He’s glad he didn’t know about William’s questionable lifestyle choice before they met, because he’d had this vision in his head of what Shakespearean actors were like, and frankly he wanted nothing to do with those weirdos.

Unexpected Places
Jon/Ryan, Brendon/Spencer ~ NC-17 ~ AU
They’re in the cabin having lunch when Ryan stands up one day and announces vaguely, “I feel a little…”
(sequel to Oistros)

Panic ~ G
They’re on the road when Brendon finds the turtle.

In search of buried treasure
Multiband ~ G ~ AU
There’s a pirate hiding in the C-deck stairwell.
(in the same universe as Behind the Sea (alternate universe version))

Behind the Sea (alternate universe version)
Gabe/William, Frank/Gerard, Panic at the Disco ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“Heads up,” Gabe announces when he steps onto the bridge. “William saw an octopus.”

Wearing down the treads
Gabe/William ~ PG-13
“Shit,” Travis says. “You’re finally making a move.”

Brendon/Ryan, Spencer/Ryan, Spencer/Brendon ~ R ~ AU
It’s like going into heat, like with cats, with the added bonus of becoming completely fixated on one specific person. Spencer isn’t sure whether cats do that or not, but if they do, it’s much less freaky than when Ryan does it.

Tell me to stop
Spencer/Brendon ~ NC-17 ~ AU
“You have no idea what you’re doing, okay?” Ryan says in exasperation, blowing out a huffy breath. “I’m just saying. I think…I might know a guy.”

Reasons We Don't
Frank/Gerard ~ R
“Why don’t we fuck?” Frank asks, tipping his head back to blow smoke at the sky.

And in this world of strangers
Spencer/Brendon ~ NC-17 ~ AU
Spencer got the note on the 7th of August, with the sky already turned to dusk, the sun lost behind the great wall surrounding the city.

I'm not one for love songs
Gabe/Ray ~ PG
“Hey guys,” Ray says after the show, while everyone is in that punchy, optimistic state that usually lasts for at least an hour after the screaming fades from their ears. “I have a special announcement to make.”

Find your way back home
Permutations of Jon, Spencer, Bill, and Tom ~ R ~ AU
"I mean, vampires are kind of morbid, right? They sleep in coffins and everything. I wouldn’t want to sleep in a coffin."

Sex Tape
Spencer/Brendon ~ NC-17
“This is about to become a BDSM video, really fast,” Spencer warns.

[douse the lights]
Ryan/Brendon ~ R
“I’ve been waiting for you,” Brendon tells him, and Ryan says, “I know.”

The True Story of What Never Happened
Patrick/Pete ~ PG
“You…wrote up the story of us going to the diner for cheese fries last week?”

As close as it gets to home
Gerard/Frank, Ryan/Brendon, Spencer/Jon, Brendon/Mikey ~ NC-17 ~ AU
Ryan takes in a breath, retreating from Spencer’s mind to brush against the newcomer, but when he reaches there’s nothing there.

Ménage à trois
Spencer/Ryan, Spencer/Brendon, Brendon/Ryan ~ NC-17
Brendon may have a legitimate reason to be angry, but this is not Spencer’s fucking fault. If anything, Ryan should be the one against the wall right now.

What you didn't know you wanted all along
Spencer/Jon/Ryan/Brendon (GSF) ~ NC-17
“Not yet,” Jon had said after their first stolen kiss in San Diego. “We’re about to go on a break, Spence, I don’t want…wait. Just wait.”

Stray Crumbs
Spencer/Jon ~ PG ~ AU
“Ah.” Jon sticks a finger up in polite disagreement. “We serve Starbucks coffee, yes. But we are so much cooler than that.”

Better off as
William/Jon ~ PG-13
“He bet you you couldn’t sleep with J-Walk?” Travis asks incredulously. “Dude, that’s fucked up.”

A Different Kind of Love Story
Zack/Katie Kay, Ryan/Brendon implied ~ PG
He’s really a mellow guy, most of the time. There’s just something about the idea of these boys running amuck in the middle of a rodeo in Arkansas that makes him start to sweat.

The genetic predisposition to love
Spencer/Jon, Ryan/Brendon ~ PG-13 ~ AU
“This can’t be happening,” Spencer says.


William/Gabe/(Victoria) ~ PG
He’s never shown any signs of an ulterior motive - although with William it’s hard to tell - and they do genuinely appreciate each other’s company. Even so, it’s not really a surprise when they’re selecting fruity drink round three and William says, “I have a confession to make.”

Double Standard
(girl)Spencer/Lyn-Z ~ PG ~ AU
When Spencer is very young, she and her best friend start a rock band.

All Hallows
Gen ~ G ~ AU
(a From the Ashes universe AU)
The eerie thing was that William didn’t feel particularly displaced.

Things that go hop in the night
Gen ~ G ~ AU
“I don’t know,” Travis says doubtfully. “He doesn’t look like a vampire to me.”

Oh Baby Yeah
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG-13
Spencer knows that moan.

Panic! Gen ~ G
“We could argue our case,” Jon said, scratching his beard in a contemplative fashion. “This is completely different than the Guitar Hero boycott.”

TAI TV: Episode 88
Gabe/William ~ G
“Conrad voted to put video of you in a skirt on the Internet?” Gabe asks, with wide eyes. “I’m shocked.”

Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
Every time he turns around, Brendon is there, smiling like a doof or bumping into things or sprawling across every available inch of surface. It makes Spencer itchy.

So I can breathe
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
“I just want to get it out sometimes,” Brendon says after a moment. “All the stuff I’m never going to man up and say to them.”

Keeping Count
Brendon/Shane ~ NC-17
“One,” says Brendon. “Two.”

An Unfortunate Incident in Cardiff
William/Jack Harkness (Torchwood crossover) ~ G
“Cap’n Jack Harkness,” the Welsh police officer introduces himself with a crooked smirk. His accent doesn’t sound very Welsh.

Make my wish come true
Spencer/Jon (GSF) ~ G ~ AU
(in the same universe as 'Tis the season)

No place like home for the holidays
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
Brendon’s head pops out of the shirt, hair disheveled, and Spencer’s brain actually ticks through a few seconds playing what’s wrong with this picture? before it hits him.

Untitled ficlet
Spencer/Brendon/Shane or gen ~ G
“Hey,” Shane says easily. “Sorry Brendon can’t come to the phone right now, he’s being a douchebag.”

Brendon/Shane ~ R
He’s looking at the carpet, and their carpet is not all that enthralling, so Shane gives him to the count of ten to look before he tips Brendon’s chin up and says softly, “Hey.”

Growing up
Spencer/Ryan ~ PG
“I need help,” Ryan says, climbing down out of the windowsill. “I have a date tonight.”

15 prompt ficlets
Various pairings and ratings: Jon/Spencer, Jon/Ryan, Ryan/Spencer, Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Brendon, Jon/William, Gabe/William, Bob/Spencer, Panic GSF

Panic GSF ~ NC-17
One of the best things about being in their own private mountain resort was having several dozen enormous rooms all to themselves.

Don't test the moment
Gabe/William ~ PG
“Wait, you’re the psychic?” isn’t the best first impression Gabe has ever made.
(in the same universe as Behind the Sea (alternate universe version))

Leaving Las Vegas
Panic ~ G
“We’re not stopping,” Ryan says stubbornly.

Dirty Boy
Brendon/Jon ~ PG
“You didn’t read that message board,” Brendon tells him. “There are girls dying to get their hands on my hot, sweaty body. Filth is a big turn-on.”

Summer Daze
William/Gabe ~ R
Part of him wants to tell Gabe about how he’s worried that this album won’t get them anywhere either, that they’ll still be playing clubs with no radio airtime and will be for the rest of their lives, headlining tours with bands that take off like they have a launch pad.

Brendon/Spencer ~ PG
“Hey,” Spencer says, a raised eyebrow of a question that Brendon answers with the quick flash of a smile: “Hey.”

Five times Spencer refused to shave
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG-13
“Where is it?” Spencer asks, low and threatening. He has about eight minutes left. This is also, coincidentally, how long Brendon has left to live if he doesn’t return Spencer’s aftershave.

The taste of you on my lips
Brendon/Spencer ~ NC-17
Spencer lays down the rules before they leave - “You only get him. I watch. Anytime I say no, you stop.” The guy shrugs, says, “Whatever, man,” and his eyes slide to Brendon again.

Put life on hold
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
As if the rest of it weren’t enough, the coffeemaker clogs up because he forgot to put a filter in, the grounds get everywhere, the glass pot shatters when he tries to shake the grounds out into the sink, and oh yeah, there’s no coffee.

Stop the clock
Brendon/Spencer ~ R
“I want to try something,” Spencer rumbles, the vibrations of his voice like sliding over velvet-covered gravel, and Brendon shudders closer without even thinking.

Almost Enough
Jon/Brendon ~ PG
“What…?” Jon asks. He’s a little slow on the uptake sometimes, he knows, but he’s also right about this.

Spencer/Brendon ~ R
“Wait,” Brendon begs. Spencer gives him five seconds, then squeezes again, and Brendon shudders so hard he stutters when he says, “Stop, please, stop. Later, I want it later. After the show.”

Five Times Spencer Collared Brendon
Spencer/Brendon ~ R ~ AU
(in the same universe as Tell me to stop)

Five Things Meme
Various, some storyverses

Winter Wonderland
Gerard & Frank ~ G ~ AU
(in the same universe as Snow Day)

Snow Day
Frank & Gerard Gen ~ AU

Cat and Mouse
Gabe/William, Spencer/Ryan, Spencer/Gabe ~ PG-13

Stage Fright
Mikey/Frank ~ R

Panic! Gen

Panic! Gen

The best medicine
Bob/Spencer ~ PG
“You broke your fucking wrist?”

William/Gabe ~ PG
“What took you so long?” Gabe asks, teeth glinting white in the moonlight.

Unsuspecting Strangers
Gabe/Spencer ~ PG-13
Spencer Smith is pretty like a girl with amazing hips and painted-on jeans and fuck-me lips, right beneath fuck-you narrowed eyes. For Gabe, it’s pretty much lust at first sight.

Sweet Dreams
Brendon/Ryan ~ NC-17
Tonight is a hotel night, blessedly, but while the soft pillows and fresh sheets are calling to him like a dreamy sonata, hotel night also means sex-with-Ryan night, and Brendon is not passing that up.

William/Butcher ~ PG

Five Kisses (specifically, four kisses that really didn't count and one that really did)
Spencer/Brendon ~ PG
“Come on, what…?” is as far as he gets before Brendon’s lips are smashed against his. Spencer makes a sound like “mmph” and hears Jon laughing somewhere over Brendon’s shoulder.

Spanish Eyes
Gabe/William ~ NC-17
It’s a Friday night, and the rest of Midtown is at a hot wings place trying to beat the locals at trivia. Normally Gabe would be with them, but he’d been sidestage watching the Academy set tonight when Bill had demonstrated pole-dancing with his microphone stand, so he has other plans.

Social Activism (or, How to Make the World a Better Place by Kissing Spencer Smith)
Spencer/Gerard ~ PG-13
“This is political,” Gerard announces, and kisses him.

Spencer/Brendon ~ R

Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Frank/Gerard ~ PG

Ryan/Gerard ~ PG-13

Ryan/Brendon ~ PG ~ AU
“Where’s Brendon?” Jon asks. He’s only been on tour with them for a few weeks now, he still asks the question. He doesn’t know not to.

No Exit
Jon/William/(Gabe) ~ PG-13
“Jon?” William says in confusion. “What are you doing down here?”

A Song About Drowning
Ryan/Brendon ~ PG

untitled bandsmush
Gerard/Panic! at the Disco ~ G

Spencer/Brendon ~ NC-17 (scroll down!)

Up to no good
Mikey/Brendon ~ G

Cabin Fever
Jon/Spencer ~ PG

the evening sleeps so peacefully
Ryan/Brendon ~ PG

Jon/Spencer (Ryan/Brendon) ~ PG

Gabe/William ~ R
There’s a certain danger in sharing the stage with William.

Spencer/William ~ PG
Spencer shakes his head, says, "Ryan." William retrieves the glass to toast him with it, and replies, "Gabe."

From the Ashes - a bandom/HP crossover (RPG)


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