Week 89: Results

Feb 25, 2008 21:00

It's so much more fun when there are lots of icons to choose from. Yet when we still have a small turn out it's nice to know that you guys are having a tough time deciding which you love best:

"Jesus, why don't you tell me to jump off a cliff instead since it's so hard to pick which ones the best."
~ kawaii_chicken

Thank you to everyone who participated in this week's competition!

First Place:

by moonshadow_nal

Overall Rankings* | Refresh?

04, 03, 02, 01

Since franchette is on computer-problem induced hiatus & sky_dominic is busy with school, I would deeply appreciate it if kawaii_chicken could provide this week's banner... pretty please!

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.>> If you want a banner, please comment and say so in this post. However, you might want to check cb_overflow if you'd like someone else make your banner.

.>> Have a theme you want to suggest? Click here!

week 89, results

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