Week 79: Results

Nov 21, 2007 17:26

I'm so sorry! I don't know why I got the idea I'd already posted the results. Please accept my apology & I'll try not to let you down in future!

First Place:

by supica

Second Place:

by umi_mizuno

Third Place:

by moonshadow_nal

Overall Rankings* | Refresh?

05, 02, 03, 01, 04

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.>> Could kawaii_chicken do me the honour of making this week's banners as well, please?

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.>> If you want a banner, please comment and say so in this post. However, you might want to check cb_overflow if you'd like someone else make your banner.

.>> Have a theme you want to suggest? Click here!


I appreciate that I have been a slow mod this week, and am therefore in no position to ask favours from you... But this week's voting had an AMAZING turn out! So please, please, please would you consider casting your critical eyes over at ohgreat_battle!

Its the final week and so far there's only ONE vote! D: Please pop over to ohgreat_battle & VOTE!

results, week 79

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