So, I have thoughts.
About the new Star Trek. Let me say first off that I really liked it. It was good, a lot of fun and really enjoyable. I loved it regardless of the various controversies and problems people are pointing out with it. I thought it was cool and will happily see it again over and over.
That said, I have thoughts.
I really wish it hadn't have been Khan.
I remember when people were trying to figure out who Benedict Cumberbatch was going to be and speculating that he'd be Khan and the entire time I just kept hoping they were wrong. I was hoping that it would be someone new or some other obscure villain that they could play around with. But not Khan. Maybe it's just from my perspective because Wrath of Khan was the movie from my childhood, but in my opinion he's one of the major villains. So major in fact that it would be too easy to use him. Like how TNG made me never want to see the Borg show up again because we've seen them before a million times, I didn't want Khan to show up again. I wanted something new.
I was disappointed. In the fact that they used Khan, and even more by the fact that they really did the character a disservice. He could have been any super soldier really, and hell they should have just gone with that idea if they wanted to do it so badly. He wasn't Khan. He didn't have any of the passion that I remember Khan having, the scary "oh shit he actually truly believes this down to his core and how the hell are we going to stop him?" This Khan was just on a vengeance kick. I think it did the character a serious disservice beyond the whole whitewashing thing.
And the more I think about it, the more I think the whitewashing was a seriously idiotic move based on the fact that the producers or whoever wanted so badly to "hide" that it was Khan. They wanted that twist so badly that they were really stupid and as such pissed off a whole lot of people, and again did the character a serious disservice. They told us he was Khan. They didn't show us it.
With this reboot they tried so hard to maintain the integrity of the characters while giving us a new take on them that that's why we like it so much. They worked so hard to do that with all of the crew- why didn't they do that with Khan? He's a character too, not just a villain of the week. They should have treated him with the same kind of detail instead of sticking a random guy in a black trench coat and telling us he's Khan.
I have nothing against Benedict Cumberbatch. Although you know, I still don't know how good of an actor he is since I've only seen him in this and War Horse, where he had two lines. Can't tell. Didn't blow me out of the water, but then again there wasn't a whole lot of character to his Khan, so that's not his fault really. Didn't know he had such a gorgeous voice until now, too bad he looks so much like my ex. I can't handle it, will never swoon over him and that's just the way it's going to be.
So there are my thoughts. I really liked the movie, and I really wish he hadn't have been Khan. Might be the nostalgic fangirl brain talking because I haven't seen the original movie since I was really little. I did like the fact that it was Kirk this time and not Spock, very cool twist. See? Twist.
You know, I'd rather take Q over Khan if I think about it. And I hate Q.
Oh, and WTF with the cryo tubes stuffed into torpedoes? Stupidest way of smuggling people ever, sorry. Even I can't suspend my disbelief that much.
There, got it out. Maybe my brain will stop circling that topic and move onto new ones.