Why am I still watching The Walking Dead?
I...don't really have an answer to that. While sewing my costume I managed to catch up to "Bitter Angels," which is the second to last episode last season. I think there's one more episode after it at least.
How many seasons have we been on the damned farm now? Two? It feels like it's been two. Why are we still on the farm? It's like a never ending blur of "dear fucking god can I bitch slap everyone until they shut up, and why in the name of god is Shane still alive?"
I try not to jump on the "they're destroying the source material" bandwagon too often, I really don't. I've been trying to see the series as separate from the comics because, well, they are. I mean, I love Daryl to death and he's series only. Can't really tell you why other than Norman Reedus has charisma, and I liked the sub-story with him and Carol and Sophia.
But Carl kills Shane. I don't know what the fuck that was- a kid killing someone couldn't get past censors? When I picked up the first TPB because a friend had recommended it, I wasn't really getting into it until that last scene with Rick and Shane and Carl in the snow. And then I was instantly hooked.
But that? The whole dynamic was just changed and in my opinion not for the better at all. Rick's decent is already being hinted at, they didn't need to throw him off the freaking cliff and then I don't even know what to call that sobbing to Carl business. No, just no. I was already WTF about Dale's death but that just sent me over the edge.
And now I totally understand all the Carl hate. I already despised series!Lori, and hate that they made me despise her so much, but now I add Carl to the list. In fact, there aren't many series characters I like besides Daryl and Glenn. I will always love Glenn and Maggie and if the series starts making me hate them too I'll cry.
Why am I still watching this damned show?
The things I think about when running bills. And I dreamed about it all night too. I am full of useless rage. XP