I'm spamming LJ today.
How to Buy a Daughter I remember debating this exact idea in Mock Congress fifteen years ago. (Holy shit I'm old.) It was actually these genetic debates that fueled my interest in Genetic Engineering to the point where I spent every major project on it; I think I even wrote my Extended Essay for IB on this very subject, because my first topic about bio warfare crossed two different subjects and I "was not allowed" to do that. So yeah, I basically wrote two Extended Essays because I had the freaking bio warfare one done when my teacher decided I couldn't do it. I was so pissed. I barely remember the piece of shit fluff I wrote for the second one. It was enough to get me the diploma.
Anyway, it was those debates which also made me almost go into Genetic Engineering. And then like a addict I found art, got some high and mighty ideas in my head, and proceeded to fail the rest of my life.
But I still find it fascinating, especially the ethics surrounding it all. It's a hot mess and I love it.