It's amazing what happens when I actually go to bed on time. I can get up and fix breakfast in the morning! What a concept. :P
So I started re-reading the Elric saga last night. I'll get back to reading ASOIAF soon here, and I feel bad about putting it on hold, but I've been drawn to re-read Elric. It's been exactly six years since I read it last time and I don't know if I have an association with that book and Spring or if I just want to read about someone who is fucked no matter what he does.
I can swear it started differently than this new reprint. I swear it started when he was actually Emperor and while I can't actually remember how he got from there to the raid, I can see the paragraphs in my head. I can swear they existed. Where'd they go?
What, is back story dead now days? Action! We must have action all the time! No one cares about characterization!
Which sadly, I think that's true from a popular/hollywood standpoint. And because these books are only in print again because of a supposed movie...
I wish I had the original collections I read. Two huge things, each the size of The Great Book of Amber, one with a white cover, the second with a black one. Alas, they were Oz's and I'll never see them again.
I'll never know if I'm just insane, or if the saga really did start at a different place originally.
... Yeah, according to
this wiki chronology, it doesn't look like the damn thing is supposed to start with The Dreaming City, like this reprint does. What the hell? It's kinda like reprinting ASOIAF and having it start at the boar incident. Doesn't work.
Yay more crushing disappointment. Bring it.