Apr 27, 2007 08:14
Late (again) on my way to my last geology class, a thought struck me as i noticed the nakedness of the campus, barren of student life.
I realized that the reason i was so bothered by all those seniors graduating was that i feel a starker contrast between myself and those friends. I often forgot our class difference, as they did as well, but this is the ultimate reminder.
The graduates probably feel a thrill in the solidarity of making it four years together and finally obtaining their goal...I feel a chill. It's a selfish feeling, and i have tried to fight it as much as i can with good thoughts, but sometimes, it creeps up like a frozen mist from the well of my emotions. Every year, i have had to say goodbye to a few people, but never a huge group of friends like this one. An entire circle. It's like watching the sun set for the first time--i have a fear that circle will never brighten my world again.
Then i remember that these friends, who have touched me so much, and have helped me grow as a person...these wonderful human beings would be arriving on someone else's horizon. New people will have the opportunity to know such passion, caring, and brilliance that i have become accustomed to basking in. These friends will help the world change for the better, perhaps not in an obvious way like Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama, but in a quiet individual and personal manner. This thought gives me so much hope for the world--each friend, who has not interacted outside the friend group for a few years, will now be separated, but each separation means an added number of people that will be touched by such a wonderful influence. Instead of one big splash with one major ripple, there are many smaller splashes about to be made, but the interaction and reach will be just as great.
The great struggle i have had over the past year or so has been with my hope for humanity. My senpai leaving me is one of simultaneous personal loss and gain. I might be parting from many friends, but my hope for humanity grows exponentially with each that strikes outside our Miami bubble, into many different spheres of influences and realities. Each realm of reality they enter, every individual's life that they come across will be brightened by a new star.