I don't have The Book preordered at the Borders I'm going to tonight. Hopefully, my mom preordered a copy from Amazon. If I get a copy tonight, yea. If not, I will survive. I'm really overwhelmed with Ghana stuff at the moment, so getting The Book on time is the last thing on my mind. Even though there isn't that much to do, I feel like I have really no time to do it. After I make copies of important documents, I'm going to try to pack a little more. After that, I am going up to Irvine to see my good friends for the last time till February.
In other nonGhana and nonHPott news,
saphywaphy and I had dim sum yesterday! It was so much fun and very tasty! We gamed at my house afterward. I found that my mom got me a FFIII walkthrough. Yea mom! Pauline is currently playing FFIII on my DSLite. While she was here yesterday, I got through a small (and it is small lol) chunk of FFXII. Gaming brings me joy. :) It was a nice distraction from the rest of my life.