Sep 23, 2006 11:29
I had the most bizarre dream last night!!!! I got it rather late from being out with friends, around 3amish. I didn't go to bed till around 3:45amish cause I was putzing around the internet. The dream was a combination of Sweeney Todd creepiness, Lesbian!Mary, AngryLesbian!Mary and a guy who had Hyrulian weapons. Hmm...
I don't remember the "plot" of it, but it was a tad scary. Like I said, it had a Sweeney Todd element to it. You know those toys baby play with that they have to slap in order to pop things up? People were laying on what looked like straw versions of that. Think of headstones on the ground, all lined in a row. One person would fall into the seating area, and wind up in Sweeney's chair. I'm really fuzzy on the details for this one. I was a smart dreamer and didn't look at a lot of this lol. There were actually two killers on the loose in my dream. There was the Sweeney Todd guy and the Sweeney Todd imposter. The Sweeney Todd imposter turned out to be someone like Kate from Lost. I saw her shot someone. It was weird.
I almost died! I was hiding up in what looked like a long glass/plastic/see-through box. A rather creepy and high pitched voice started to say a rhyme involving a redhead. Ahh!! I woke up halfway through the rhyme. Thank God I didn't die... seriously, when I woke up, I remembered what it was (forgot it now), and was thinking about possible ryhme endings. Basically, I thought my box would fall, with me in it, and I would fall onto a bed of spikes.
As for the Lesbian part, that wasn't an integral part of the dream haha. I just think I had a girlfriend. At one point in the dream, a girl from UCI (drama major who I saw at callbacks last night lol) was leading some sort of exercise routine. It like yoga. There was a guy whose head was sticking out the ground, telling the "instructor" what to do. The last move he had us do before it all hit the fan was this move that basically exposed everyone's underwear. Luckily, I was wearing pants, and also refused to do the exercise. The guy with the head in the ground started walking around the room. He was a creepmiester. I believe he was looking for the best looking panties or something really creepy like that. In fact, I wouldn't have been surprised if he was a pedophile. It was weird. Anyways, he decided he was going to have my "girlfriend."
Ha! Like I was going to let that happen! I handed my gigantic knife to some guy who looked like Scott, my rowing coach from freshman year. I knew I was going to fight him. However, seeing as how the entire population of people in my dream were trying to find a killer, I figured going knifeless would be a better alternative. I swung my right arm around, hitting him around the temple. It hurt! My hand had a massive bruise on it. I believe I struck bone. He started pulling out all these weapons which I realized were from Zelda games. Wtfmate?! Not only was this cheating, but I did not get the Zelda reference in there. I totally owned him though. I threw his knifes into the wall, stole his ring and managed to flick away a push-pin like device.
Ahhhh why must I get weird dreams?!
In other news, I helped work Music Man callbacks last night. It was fun! Good luck to those who still have callbacks this weekend. :) Classes start on Monday... I'm worried about French, as I haven't practiced at all since last spring quarter. In December, I will be seeing Death Cab for Cutie with Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins opening!!!! Carla (new roomie) is also going with me, along with a few of her friends. Yea!!