Title: Too Late
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Clayr
Prompt: 052 Fire
Word Count: 168
Rating: G
Summary: The ice on the windowsills melts and drips inside, pooling underneath the windows.
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html Flames lick the air, hungering for more. They make their stealthy way up the mountainside, burning all in their path - trees, plants, animals all fall prey to the crackling fire.
The Clayr can see it from their glacial home suspended between the two mountains; this fire is no threat to them, or so they think. The snow will freeze the fire in its tracks; perhaps it will send up a little steam or sizzle slightly, but fire and ice will duel and leave only water to tell of their battle to the death.
Unfortunately for them, the fire is strong - much strong than usual. This one advances steadily up the mountain, wind at its back fanning the flames and urging them on their deadly path.
The Clayr didn’t try to See the outcome of the fire - they thought they knew it already. Only when the ice on the windowsills melts and drips inside to pool underneath the windows do they realise, and by then it is too late.