Title: Invitation
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Yuffie
Prompt: 008 Floor
Word Count: 220
Rating: G
Summary: Yuffie invites herself to visit Destiny Islands
http://airelement.livejournal.com/56940.html “You know, you’ve come to Hollow Bastion loads of times but you’ve never invited me to visit the Destiny Islands,” Yuffie said, her hands planted firmly on her hips. “Is there any particular reason why not?”
“Uh, no,” Sora said. “I didn’t know you wanted to come.”
“You were supposed to say ‘Yuffie, I’m sorry! Come and visit my home any time you like!’” Yuffie informed him. “So I’m inviting myself, because you’re a useless lump.”
“Hey!” Sora objected. “I’m not a useless lump!”
“What I say goes,” Yuffie said with a shrug.
“So are you glad you came?” Sora asked. He and Yuffie sat atop a couple of palm trees (he still wasn’t sure quite how they’d managed to climb up there).
“Yeah… you are so lucky to live in a place like this,” Yuffie said, waving her hand around to indicate the islands. “I think I’ll visit you quite often.”
“You do realise you’ll have to sleep on the floor?” Sora said.
“Hey, I’ve slept in worse places. Leon’s bed, for one,” Yuffie said.
“You’ve slept in Leon’s bed?” Sora asked, eyebrows reaching the sky.
“Not like that, dummy!” Yuffie said. “Some guys are gentlemen and give their bed to the girl.”
“Do you want to sleep in my bed?” Sora said. Yuffie shook her head.