Title: Small Rebellion
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Lirael, Kirrith, Arielle
Prompt: 004 Insides
Word Count: 210
Rating: G
Summary: Lirael wants to be rebellious like her mother.
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html “Don’t yawn, Lirael,” Kirrith said briskly. The small dark-haired girl closed her mouth as fast as she possibly could; glaring at her aunt she asked the question all children wonder about.
“Why not?” she asked, wanting to be rebellious - Aunt Kirrith had always described Lirael’s mother as rebellious, a comparison which inspired Lirael to copy her absent parent as much as possible.
“Because I have no wish to see the inside of your mouth,” Kirrith replied tartly. Lirael’s hands came to rest on her hips and her lower jaw jutted out; Kirrith fixed her with a stern look that usually quelled any backchat.
“Then why do you always want to check my tonsils when there’s nothing wrong with me?” Lirael asked.
“To check that you aren’t ill,” Kirrith informed her.
“Why should you care? You’re not my mother!” Lirael shouted and ran off.
Kirrith stared after her. Not a mother, no, but although she was strict with her niece she did care. She resolved to use a cooler approach with Lirael from now on; maybe it was too soon after Arielle’s abandonment of her daughter for Lirael to appreciate any motherly actions. She didn’t realise just how much she’d regret being coldly clinical towards her in the years to come.