Title: Tipsy - Part 1
Fandom: Wheel of Time
Characters: Moiraine, Rand
Prompt: Tipsy
Word Count: 602
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Hints and suggestions, never anything more. Moiraine loved to mess with mens' minds, but she did wonder why she chose Rand al'Thor. Maybe the brandy had something to do with it.
http://airelement.livejournal.com/53973.htmlA/N: Will be continued, but I'm being anal about posting something every day this month and I don't know if I'll have time to finish it today.
If there was one thing Rand al’Thor had never thought he would find himself doing, it would be sitting in an inn in a city making awkward conversation with an Aes Sedai after doing battle with Trollocs.
But here he was. Baerlon, the biggest city he’d ever been in. In fact, the only city he’d ever been in - much as he and every other boy in the Two Rivers dreamed of going adventuring, he’d never been more than a few miles from home.
Trollocs and Fades. Tales and myths used to frighten children. Or so Rand had thought, until they tried to kill him. He thought back on the other stories. There were worse things than Fades: Aes Sedai who’d turned to the Dark One - the Forsaken. But the Forsaken - Asmodean, Ishamael, Lanfear and the others - were bound in Shayol Ghul with the Dark One. Everyone knew that, it was a fact. A fact which didn’t stop Rand looking fearfully at Moiraine for a moment.
All the tales said that Lanfear was stunningly beautiful. Moiraine’s hair fell in loose curls down to her shoulders, framing a porcelain face that gave her more presence than her small frame would bring one to expect. Her eyes, like her hair, were dark, and at first glance were open and guileless. But she was Aes Sedai - those brown, almost black orbs that appeared to be windows to her soul undoubtedly shielded manipulations and plots. Maybe they shielded a darker, hidden identity as well.
Rand realised he was staring into her eyes, and also realised he was being stupid. She wouldn’t have dragged he, Perrin and Mat away from the clutches of the Trollocs if she was Lanfear - who was bound in Shayol Ghul anyway - and she wasn’t a Darkfriend. Not by the vehemence he had heard behind the curses she hadn’t realised he heard her speak. Rand hadn’t even heard half of the rude expressions that had flowed from her mouth before, but he was able to catch the general gist.
Moiraine looked amused. Rand flushed when he realised he was still gazing into her eyes and looked away. Her eyes stayed fixated on him; he looked back at her, and she looked away, a satisfied gleam in her eyes that meant for some strange reason - probably involving her ego - only understood by women, she’d wanted him to return his attention to her. Bloody Aes Sedai with their tricks, he mentally grumbled.
“You should go to bed,” Moiraine told him a moment later. Rand stared at her, thoughts - forbidden thoughts, he couldn’t think that sort of thing about an Aes Sedai - running through his mind. Moiraine inwardly smirked, correctly guessing what he was thinking. “We have an early start tomorrow, you don’t want to be too exhausted.” Rand couldn’t stop the blood rushing to his cheeks - and other places too - and he walked out of the room. Damn Aes Sedai playing her stupid games with me, he thought crossly. Why can’t she stop acting like a normal woman and more like a Tar Valon witch? Or are all women like that?
Moiraine smiled to herself. She loved messing with men’s minds, hinting and never giving anything more than suggestion. Of course, it did get rather tedious and a bit lonely, but the fun of manipulation was a fairly good substitute.
She wasn’t quite sure why she decided to pick Rand al’Thor, though. She looked contemplatively at the empty bottle of brandy that lay on the table. Maybe the fact that they’d both had more than enough of the alcohol had something to do with it.
On to part 2