Title: Moonlight Angel
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Tidus
Prompt: 045 Moon
Word Count: 316
Rating: G
Summary: In the light of day she's beautiful, but in the moonlight she becomes his very own guardian angel.
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html Yuna. She’s beautiful, and tiny, and so delicate-looking that I’m almost afraid to touch her in case she breaks. Her arms are so small that they must bruise easily, and her collarbone shows ever so slightly, and she walks like a ballerina, picking her way gracefully from one step to another. That night in Macalania, where we kissed in the lake for what seemed like forever, the moonlight reflected off the bare skin of her shoulders, accentuating the flawless perfection of her beauty and made her seem almost ethereal, like some sort of water angel. The water droplets in her hair and on her skin glimmered in the reflected shine of the stars and underwater, the ripples ran through her hair, fanning it out from her face and framing her beautiful visage. Every time I think of that I want to protect her, to be the best guardian I can. Not just because she’s beautiful on the outside, but because she’s an angel inside too.
If she’s an angel, then surely I should be the guardian to make us complete? But when I’ve been wounded in battle with fiends, she always notices when the others are busy re-scouting the area, and when I’m just about ready to pass out and blackness is covering my eyes, she’s always there. The black unconsciousness always fades away and turns to the light of a cure spell, silhouetting her against the surroundings and reminding me of how she always looks in the moonlight. Beautiful, like a guardian angel sent down from the sky to be with me.
I’m not one for poetry or graceful speeches. I stumble over my words all the time, and I can hardly ever find the words to express my meaning. But like any other fool in love, I can wax lyrical about my very own moonlit angel until the moon itself has brightened into sun.