Title: Zu Steaks are Chewy
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Rikku, Tidus, Kimahri
Prompt: 058 Dinner
Word Count: 405
Rating: G
Summary: Yuna's list of things her guardians are not allowed to do: rule number 2.
Back to rule 1.Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html “Those Zu steaks sure were chewy,” Tidus said, lying back on the ground with one hand on his stomach. Maybe he felt as sick as I did after eating Zu. We didn’t have another choice, though; an unexpected storm had slowed our journey and we had run out of food. So Zu steak it was, no matter how disgusting.
I nodded, not wanting to say anything rude about Sir Auron’s choice of food, although I’m sure it wouldn’t have hurt his feelings. I don’t suppose he would have cared at all, but I still wouldn’t want to say it.
“They were chewy all right,” Rikku said in agreement, leaning over to poke Tidus in the stomach. “If you didn’t like it you shouldn’t have eaten so much, greedy.”
“I was hungry!” Tidus defended himself.
“Then don’t complain,” Rikku said smugly and stretched out on the ground, trying to find a comfortable piece of rock to lean on. Tidus made an indistinct sound of protest but didn’t keep fighting with her. I was glad about that. I cared about them both a lot but their constant fighting frustrated me so much.
The sun hadn’t set yet, but there was nothing to do except sit there and while away the time filing my nails back into shape. Then I realised that I couldn’t find my nail file.
“Rikku, did you borrow my nail file?” I asked.
“Nope, maybe Lulu did,” she said. I couldn’t picture Lulu filing her nails. She loved growing them long enough to rival Kimahri’s claws. She said it helped her channel black magic better if she had long witchy claws to point at her target.
“Erm, Yuna… it isn’t kind of silvery with a white bit at the end, is it?” Tidus asked, sounding vaguely uncomfortable.
“Yes… have you seen it?” I asked. Rikku grinned.
“Have you been borrowing it, Tidus?” she teased.
“No way!” Tidus said defensively. “Kimahri’s… Kimahri’s using it as a toothpick.” I swing my head around and realise it’s true.
“Kimahri!” I protest.
“Yuna?” he said.
“Kimahri, that’s my nail file! Couldn’t you at least have asked before you used it as a toothpick?” I said in frustration, longing to summon Ifrit to launch a meteor strike at him.
“Sorry Yuna,” he said. “Kimahri not think Yuna mind.”
“Just... please don’t do that again! No more borrowing things without permission! All of you!” I state firmly, glaring at everyone.