Title: Sour Tastes
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Kirrith, Mirelle, OC
Prompt: 039 Taste
Word Count: 290
Rating: G
Summary: Kirrith has a sour taste in her mouth
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html Kirrith gave her breakfast a look so sour it would have sent a lemon running for cover. The pancakes themselves suffered five long minutes of being glared at before Kirrith growled and shoved her plate away from her.
“What’s got Kirrith so furious? I swear the way she was looking at her food, it should have grown legs and fled,” Mirelle muttered to one of her friends. The dour woman, who looked much less dour when compared to Kirrith’s current expression, nodded knowingly.
“Well, it must be all that trouble with that niece of hers,” Rilael said conspiratorially. “The girl never talked, I don’t think I’d even seen her in here for three years before she left, and then all of a sudden she’s the Abhorsen’s sister and revered all over the Kingdom…” Mirelle looked at her askance.
“You don’t like the Abhorsen-in-waiting?” she observed. Rilael shrugged.
“Oh, it’s not that I have anything particular against the woman, although she didn’t exactly make much of an effort to be one of us. I just know that if I were in Kirrith’s position right now, I’d be furious with myself for not getting to know my niece before she left to live with her royal family,” Rilael said.
“Only this is Kirrith we’re discussing here, and no doubt she’s taken it as an insult to her pride that her niece hardly ever spoke, let alone actually socialise, while she lived here, and as soon as she met her family she started actually talking,” Mirelle observed.
“Maybe, or maybe it’s just the fact that Lirael chose to live with the Abhorsen instead of the Clayr,” Rilael suggested. Mirelle shrugged.
“Well, whatever the reason, it’s certainly left a sour taste in her mouth.”