Title: Greed
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Pairing: Sabriel/Touchstone
Word count: 441
Sin: Greed
Rating: PG
Summary: Someone steals Sabriel's necklace. Hey, if Wikipedia is allowed to call robbery a type of greed, so can I!
http://airelement.livejournal.com/13522.html Touchstone entered the room and stepped back in surprise. Things were thrown all over the place and Sabriel was searching frantically through the dresser, throwing things left and right as she tried to find something.
“What’s going on?” he asked in confusion. Sabriel straightened up and turned around, and Touchstone saw that she had tear tracks running down her face.
“It’s gone!” she said, her voice much more high pitched than normal. Touchstone walked over to her, trying not to step on anything on his way, and wrapped her up in a hug.
“What’s gone?” he asked.
“My necklace!” she said. “I had it this morning, and I left it on the dresser so I could wear it this evening. Then I came back and it had gone!” Touchstone could understand why she was upset. When they returned to Abhorsen’s House after defeating Kerrigor, a sending had presented her with a jewellery box and a note. The note had been a message from her father, telling her that the necklace had belonged to her mother and he wanted her to wear it.
“Have you checked down behind the dresser?” he asked. Sabriel nodded.
“I’ve lost it,” she said miserably. “That was the only thing I had of my mother, and now it’s gone.” She looked up suddenly when there was a loud crash outside in the hall.
“Where did you get that from?” a guard shouted. “That’s the Abhorsen’s!”
“She - she told me to get it polished,” a man stuttered. Sabriel looked at Touchstone and shook her head in confusion - she hadn’t given anything to a palace servant for polishing.
“What’s going on here, gentlemen?” Touchstone asked, walking into the hallway. He raised his eyebrows at the sight of one of his guards wrestling another to the floor, trying to grab the silver object held in the smaller man’s hand.
“In his hand,” the larger guard gasped. Touchstone approached the fighting pair and grabbed the object. Looking down at it, he realised it was the missing necklace. He slipped it into his pocket and dragged the thief to his feet, holding his neck tightly.
“Why did you steal this?” he said. “Were you going to sell it? Make some extra money for yourself?” The man nodded nervously, deciding it wouldn’t be a good idea to lie to the king, who happened to be holding him in the air by his neck and looking extremely angry.
“Damed, deal with this man,” Touchstone said furiously, and shoved the scrawny thief backwards.
“Your necklace, milady,” Touchstone said and bowed with a flourish. Sabriel laughed and took the pendant, putting it back around her neck.