Title: What If
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Sanar, Ryelle
Prompt: 081 If
Word Count: 466
Rating: G
Summary: What if Sanar and Ryelle lost their Sight?
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html They had all given part of themselves. Orannis’ defeat had required sacrifices from them all. Lirael had meant to give her life, but Kibeth had intervened and died instead. Yrael had given up the anger that he’d held onto for millennia, and Sanar and Ryelle had given their Sight.
They’d wondered if it would happen. Some visions showed them futures where they had the Sight, some visions showed futures when they could barely see a bowl of soup in front of them. But it had been an if.
Sanar wondered if she would have done it, if she had known what would happen. If.
Ryelle thought that maybe once Orannis was buried under eight different barriers, if they could get their Sight back. If.
They both knew that if they hadn’t given their Sight, Orannis would have killed them.
Their whole lives had been based around the Sight, the ifs of Seeing many futures side by side. It was the same with all Clayr - their first word was nearly always if (except Lirael, whose first word was dog; they never chose a path without contemplating all the possibilities, all the ifs; and they never considered losing the Sight. The Sight was the one thing in a Clayr’s life not subject to the word if - every Clayr got the Sight, and every Clayr would have the Sight until they died. Except for Remembrancers, of course, but they were half Abhorsen and didn’t really count.
Ryelle and Sanar both knew deep down that they would never have the Sight again, that they would have to find themselves a new place in the world. But they couldn’t stop clinging to the ifs, hoping that maybe that perhaps they would be able to See again.
If Orannis escaped its prison again, they would have the Sight. But if it escaped, they would die. It wasn’t much of a choice, really.
They had left the Glacier and moved to Ancelstierre in an attempt to leave behind their entire lives, because if they couldn’t feel the Charter they couldn’t feel the loss when they instinctively tried to find the marks for Sight. But they knew nothing of the customs of Ancelstierre, knew nothing of the lives people lived there, and they felt more excluded from life than ever.
Eventually, they admitted to themselves that they would never have the Sight no matter what they did, and eventually they admitted it to each other. But they were still scared of the ifs, not moving back to the Old Kingdom because they might be rejected by their friends and family, because they might feel the loss even more. Their whole lives would always be based on ifs, and whatever else changed the ifs and maybes and mights would always govern everything they did.