Title: Man in the moon
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Ryelle
Prompt: 045
Word Count: 282
Rating: G
Summary: For the first time, she is alone
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html “How could this happen?” Ryelle whispered brokenly, staring down at the cold, white body of her twin sister. The beautiful face, once identical to her own, now had a bluish tinge and was unmoving, devoid of all life.
Clayr gathered around her, reaching out, trying to comfort her, but she didn’t want them. All she wanted was Sanar, and Sanar was the one thing she could no longer have. Brushing the people away, she ran up the mountain, fumbling with the key that opened the gate because her eyes were too blurred with tears to see the keyhole clearly.
She reached the top of the mountain and stopped, breathing heavily, staring around wildly for something, anything that would bring Sanar back to her.
“Why?” she screamed, falling to her knees and leaning heavily on her hands. A sudden ray of light hit her, and she looked up in hope, then her face fell as she realised it was only the moon passing away from the clouds.
The moon was half full, surrounded by the stars glimmering and shining in the dark sky. Ryelle thought she could see the person in the moon watching over her, but it wasn’t a full face. Just a few marks on the rock, she told herself angrily, not an eye and half a smile.
“I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered, wondering if the moon could hear her. Ryelle didn’t know what happened after you died, just that you left behind everyone who loved you. But maybe, she hoped, maybe Sanar hadn’t left her, maybe she was just out of sight for the moment. Maybe they would be reunited, and she wouldn’t be alone any more.