Nov 06, 2010 12:00
- Thu, 13:42: uhlisssuh: this = truth
- Thu, 17:20: writing a biology lab report. debating drinking a Red Bull. my mind is already unfocused: will that make it better or worse?
- Thu, 17:26: Photo: Technically he’s not too old for me…..
- Thu, 18:06: Photo: mrsoptimistic: EPIC
- Thu, 19:42: this is the reason why i hate group projects ... you just can't depend on other people to do things right...
- Thu, 20:15: Video: beautiful people
- Thu, 21:58: um so.... i need some motivation because I don't feel like writing at all :(
- Thu, 22:44: Photo: I’m a cat person, but this is adorbs.
- Thu, 22:52: Photo: Interesting theory. Any reason we didn’t think of this before? :P
- Thu, 22:59: The way all long distance relationships should work out
- Thu, 23:05: Video: francodave: This little kid has more confidence than I ever will. Damn.
- Fri, 00:12: 650 words from today's goal, 500 words away from my cumulative day 5 goal.
- Fri, 00:39: "Life will always have ups and downs. But no matter what, in the end, your life will be wonderful. If..."
- Fri, 01:12: 10,528 words. I want to do 5k tomorrow. Yay weekends!
- Fri, 01:43: this may sound like a dumb question but ... how do you find good/interesting blogs on tumblr?
- Fri, 02:47: @ nanowrimo 11,111 words and still going strong (even though it's 3:45am)
- Fri, 03:38: Photo: so pretty
- Fri, 03:42: Video: how much do you love this?
- Fri, 04:00: "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." - Albus Dumbledore (via inkedimagination)