Jan 16, 2005 15:24
I am flippen sick of all the madness!! All of it can leave!! I don't have to anything about anyone!! YEAH!!! WHATEVER!!! WE can all live our lives hating eachother!! Because I don't care! ! ! Livivng our lives hating and dissing! I don't care!! YOU think you know!! But you have NO idea!!! NO IDEA!!! none You know the little things!! The little things!!! the mother fuckin little things!!! nothin big nothin bright!! NOthin that will make you feel sorry! Nothing. Because if any one flippen cared about me then they would say it! ! ! If anyone cared about me then they would be like tell me your story ALL OF IT!! BRi dont know all the crap either! ! No one knows!! I don't care AAAAAAAAAAAA! ! ! ! NO one needs to know i am keeping my life away from my friends now! because when you hear my story, when you hear Bri's then you'd understan you rlife is nothing you could have never had a better life! Everyone is lucky luckyto be here! Lucky just plain lucky! Don't!! Everyone STOP! feeling sorry for yourselves! Your lives are GREAT I wish i could live in your lives~ Really I wish I could! But then again I cant because I am not you and you arent me! YOu will never be me you never hear see or have been through the things I have! ! All of you just don't worry about me! I am just a drifter! Just a drifter! Don't write back dont ask me anything don't ask if I am fine! I don't want you to know! Because I have been hurt! Emotinally, physically, and more! But don't respond don't ask, don't so anything I don't need the pity! I don't need your love! I do'nt need you! Not anymore
I love you, I'll miss you