Mar 02, 2007 00:51
Fill this out in YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as "My Autobiography"
1.Where did you take your default pic?
It's not a picture :)
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
AE jeans. Abercrombie T-Shirt.
3.What is your current problem?
i want to get laid. i have history homework. stupid boy.
^^ I have the same problems as Lindsay!!! Haha.
4.What makes you most happy?
Hanging out w/ the girls.
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Nada right now.
6.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
No. Thank God.
7.Do you ever watch MTV?
Haha yes. I am obsessed w/ The Hills.
8.What's something that really annoys you?
Boys who are really fucking quiet & can't hold a conversation.
Chapter 1:
1.Middle name:
3.Current place:
Amherst, MA
3.Favorite Color
Chapter 2:
1.Do you live with your parents?
Over winter break & in the summer, yes.
2. Do you get along with your parents/guardians?
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
4.Do you have any Siblings?:
2 younger sisters.
Chapter 3: Favorite..
1. Ice Cream:
Vanilla or Strawberry.
2. Season:
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Write on your hand:
No, never.
2. Call people back:
Eh. I generally forget to. Don't take it personally.
3. Believe in love:
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
At home I sleep on the left. At school I sleep in the middle of a tiiiny bed.
5. Have any bad habits?
I swear way too much. & I don't go to the gym as often as I should.
6. Any mental health issue:
Ha. Yes.
Chapter 5: Have You....
1.Broken a bone:
I've broken my nose twice, had a stress fracture in my shin and fractured my spine.
2.Sprained something?:
My ankle & my neck.
3.Had physical therapy?:
Yep. Lots and lots.
4.Gotten stitches:
5.Taken painkillers?
I got a shot of painkillers last semester, but that's it.
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling:
Snorkeling in Mexico- it was amazing.
7. Been stung by a bee?
8.Thrown up at the dentist:
... ew, no.
9.Ever sworn in front of your parentals:
Yeah. I try not to, but it slips out.
10.Had detention:
11.Been sent to the principal's office:
Once in 5th grade. I punched a girl in the face.
And got away with it :-D
12. Been suspended:
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last
1.Movie(s) you watched?
Animal House w/ Kevin.
2.Person to text you:
3.Person you called:
4.Person you hugged:
I can't remember, but I remember it being awkward.
5. Last person you tackled:
Haha no idea.
6.Thing you touched:
The keyboard.
7.Thing you ate:
A turkey wrap.
8. Thing you drank:
9. Time you cried:
10. Wished on a star?
Not recently enough to remember. Probably a few years ago.