17 years friends? 13 yrs friends? 9years friends? 5years, 2 years?

Jan 13, 2006 00:52

 From yesterday (11/01/05),

Had lunch with a army friend, treated him a simple meal cos its his birthday.

Had afternoon break with a clubbing friend who happen to be my neighbour too.

Had dinner drink with my Uni classmate who work 10 mins away from me

Had supper with my poly classmate who studied accountancy with me

Today (12/01/05)

Had a primary school + secondary school friend dinner gathering

Had a malibu dream with a LJ friend and his bf at coffeebean.

As i look back for these two days, i realised i had few cluster of friends. Although i spend unequal portion of my time on each group, i never feel really distanced from any group. Good friends are for life. Of course, there are "friends" who appeared and disappeared but i still remember them  and wish all the best for them in 2006!

To all my friends, May u all be blessed with good health and surround with good fortune.

Cheers for friendship!
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