Last night I went to my second ever open mic at John Harvard's (or Johnny H's as I like to call it, much to the disdain of my peers who all jeer and scowl and call me names such as "junkwhore" and "two-bit skunk-nuts." I'm not sure what the last one is supposed to mean.)
I originally decided to go because a bunch of my friends were going (peer pressure! Peer pressure!) but of course I always enjoy a good open mic, so it wasn't too difficult to talk me into it. Also, my pal Derek plays there and he sounds just like John Mayer. Whether that's a good thing or not is left to my casual reader to decide.
I enjoyed several of John Harvard's own Cold as Helles beers and listened as the cabaret unfolded on the other end of the bar. A couple of guys performed a masterful acoustic guitar duet, Derek played "Your Body Is a Wonderland" among others, a couple of fellows played guitars and sang solo, and one dude ripped the electric bass and when I say "ripped" I mean "sucked at."
Then there was the girl. We had all moved to a booth on the far side of the bar by this time and couldn't see the performers anymore, but when the singer's voice is suddenly female it tends to perk up the ears. This young lady plays the piano and sings, a la Tori Amos (but with less vocal affectation), or like Natalie Merchant perhaps, but softer. Her last song, which she played in a duet with a guy by the name of Brian on acoustic guitar, called "The Road Home," really gripped me. I think I'm just moved by piano, and I guess there is that part of me that still wants to play like that some day, but I can't sing like a woman, so there's that.
In any case, she was great and I told her so. So she invited me to hear her again at the Main Pub, which happens to be approximately 3 minutes from my apartment. I think I may just do that.
So it seems I've gotten myself into a pattern of weekly open mic events. I think I can live with that.
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