*flail* Damn frustation

Feb 19, 2008 12:09

*siiiighh* So I am still at the West airtemple and still bored. Lawl!Drama is still running rampent. Katara mocking Zuko has been a normal sound in the halls and Haru is always following me.. D:

Damn I can't shake him off, I am beginning to think porn'stache has a crush on me. Very double-en not good. I mean I like Haru...but he creeps me out.

Well bordem has a lot of emotions attached to it. Like stress, worry, irratation, and apparently horniness. Why? I don't know, it must be the fact that my frustration is not just because my father is prison, we have less then a month before the comment and I feel fucking useless, apparenly this also equates to the need of getting laid. Does anyone have this issue? DX

Well with that being said I am going to the wind cellars and pull out bottle and get drunk...maybe that works. <<

PS: Yes even though I am a paralegic, my nerves still work there. I know thats what you all are thinking.
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